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Jimin left for his new life in the early hours of the day.
Nothing had turned out the way he wanted, and he did feel a little apprehensive. Like maybe he should have a change of heart?
But when would this opportunity ever present itself to him again?
A dancer's life was short.
Not unlike certain someones' he knew.
And they would've never passed on a chance like this!
And how was he to know all hell would break lose like that?
No one could have seen this coming.
Ok, maybe someone could've, but.
It certainly wasn't in the cards when Jimin had auditioned way back when.
Yes. Leaving the country now when all this was going on felt traitorous.
Yes. He was a traitor for abandoning his boyfriend when things got rough.
Yes. He most definitely felt like a traitor for leaving them all in the middle of the night.
But he couldn't face a goodbye!
It'd just hurt too much.

Bikram didn't mind though.
He'd agreed to drive him to the airport and even upgraded his plane ticket to first class when Jimin couldn't afford it. For safety reasons, he said.
And promised to put it as an expense for work.
Which Jimin seriously doubted he would, but he wouldn't let Jimin leave without it so.
He would miss them.
All of them.
But he couldn't wait to get out of here and leave all this behind him!
This had not been Jimin's greatest hour, day, year, on this earth and going away was perhaps cowardly of him, but he needed it!
He needed to find some sort of self that wasn't just, Tae's best friend or Hobi's boyfriend.
Yoongi's sex toy.
Park Jimin.
He needed to find.
So he would go look.

Hobi heard Jimin leave in the wee hours of the night, but decided not to get up.
He'd just about had it with Park Jimin for a while.
The guy was a freaking teenager inside!
Ok. Maybe he was being a little bit harsh, but puh-weese.
Where had all the good men gone and where were all the Gods?
He giggled.
He was pissed. He scolded himself. Super pissed.
And so freaking tired!
Now he was crying!
He was so sick of crying!
Migraine, migraine, migraine. Hobi reminded himself.
He would just have to cry later.
Preferably never.
Screw this.
He needed to sleep.
Against better judgement he got up and went to wake Jin up.
"Jin," he whispered, trying not to wake Namjoon, "I need a sleeping pill, please?"
"Sure." Jin answered and got up to get him one, "But just tonight, you know you need the real deal, ok?"
Hobi went back to bed and tried to think about nothing, 'til the pill would kick in.
He usually hated sleeping pills, they knocked you out alright, but you didn't actually get any rest, everything would still be the same in the morning. And as an athlete he needed the restorative properies of real, deep, good sleep, but now he welcomed the fake kind with open arms.
Thank God for science.

"Hobi?" Tae's soft voice woke him up, "Jimin's gone?"
Hobi sighed, "Yeah, I heard him leave last night, and," his lower lip started to quiver, "I just let him!"
"Oh, Hobbs, I'm so sorry." Tae crawled into bed with him, snuggling up against him.
"I'm fine." Hobi assured himself mostly, "I'll be fine." he nodded.
"Yes." Taehyung agreed but didn't move.
"Tae?" Jungkook popped his head in looking for his lost mate, "Oh." he said, instantly crestfallen when he saw them.
He seemed to pause for a second but then he too crawled into Hobi's bed, crushing them both as he made his way to the other side.
"Christ!" Hobi complained, "How much do you actually weigh?
"A lot." Jungkook admitted.
"How do you even?" Hobi looked suggestively at Taehyung.
"Me strong, like bull." Tae bragged.
"Sheah, right." Jungkook snorted.
"I. Am."
"He's gotta be if he's able to support your weight on top of him." Hobi settled it, with a drawn out grin.
"Are you calling me fat?" Jungkook asked, threatening.
"I'm calling you heavy?"
"That's it! TICKLE ATTACK!" Jungkook warned and he and Taehyung went to work.
"GAAAH!" Hobi was insanely ticklish and was sqirming like a worm on a hook to get out from this but they were two, he was one and, "GAAAAH!"
"HOBI PILE!" someone yelled and suddenly there were tree people tickling him and the last one was on top of him!
"Stop! Stop! Please!" he wheezed.
"Ok." said the one on top of him, and the torture ended just as quickly as it started.
"Yoongi!" Hobi smiled, "When did you get here?"
"Just now." his best friend shrugged, "Tae called me yesterday."
"Mm. Are you lot gonna stay in bed all day or are you up for some breakfast?"
"Don't know. Are there pancakes?" Hobi inquired.
"Of course there is pancakes! What kind of heathen do you take me for?" Yoongi asked.
Hobi sighed, deeply. He didn't really want to get up.
"Come on, Hobi Wan, let's go." Jungkook said.
"Do I really have to?" Hobi moped.
"Yes!" Jungkook urged and started blowing raspberries on his neck, promting Tae to do the same.
"Fine. Fine! I'm up!" Hobi sat up, "I hate you."
"We love you too." Tae said and left with Kook to steal all the pancakes. Probably.
"Are you ok?" Yoongi asked, quietly.
"Nahyeah." Hobi shrugged, "I'm not as upset as I should be, I think?" he confessed, "Which tells you something, doesn't it?"
Yoongi put an arm around his shoulders and squeezed him in knowing sympathy, without further commentary.
"He's a fool." he said, just as they left the bedroom making Hobi snort, "But he's cute, though." Yoongi admitted.
"Are you saying he's a Golden retriever?"
"Well if the shoe fits..." Yoongi shrugged.

"I, have decided," Yoongi started when everyone was seated at the table for breakfast, "well, Noona and I have decided to throw you a celebration party! Like we always intended to!"
"But?" All eyes were on Yoongi.
"Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking, but, security will be tight and it'll be invitation only, of course, and maybe not everyone like we originally planned."
He handed out printed invitations to 'Mount Olympus Celebration, dress code extravagant', at a fancy hotel a couple of weeks from now, "So you'll be fully recovered." he explained.
"I expect to see a lot of gay pride at that party!" he warned them, "No going around looking like your boring selves. Fancy. I mean it!"
"Yes, father." Hobi, Tae and Kook answered, heads bowed.

"Yey, a party!" Tae squeeled.
"Yeah. I'll be damned if I let some people's ignorance dictate our lives!" Yoongi nodded, "You deserve a huuge celebration and I'm gonna give it to you!"
"We should invite Tits." Tae said.
"As in barebreasted girls?" Yoongi could not believe he was hearing this!
"Noo," Jin laughed, "believe it or not, but we actually know someone called Tits now."
"Yeah," Tae chimed in, "she's the coolest chick in town, hands down."
"And probably ninety." Jin laughed even more.
"Could be." Tae agreed and shoved a whole pancake in his mouth.
"You want to invite an old lady called Tits to a night of drunken debauchery?" Yoongi leaned back, squinting his eyes with suspicion.
"Uhu." Tae chewed.
"I'll bet you a million bucks she can drink you under the table." Jin challenged Yoongi.
"You have a million bucks to bet on this woman?" Namjoon asked, a little bit unsettled.
"No, not really." Jin shook his head, "Five hundred?"
"Top." They shook on it.

It was depressingly hot outside but Hobi still wanted to go for a long walk. Bikram offered to go with him. He liked the heat.
Bonbon, not so much.
Yoongi, not at all.
And Hobi hadn't asked anyone else.

"You know," Bikram said after they'd been walking in silence for forty-five minutes or so, "I know its not my place to say anything but, I think you should know he had to choose between hurting you and keep on hurting himself."
"I know." Hobi sighed.
He did know.
There wasn't really anything sinister or evil in Jimin, he was just a bit, clumsy? Maybe? Immature.
"I think it's mostly exhaustion that makes it so sucky." he tried to explain, "I mean, I think I would've handled it better had I, you know." he shrugged.
"Not won an olympic gold medal and been outed on national tv?" Bikram suggested.
"Mm. That." Hobi said, with feeling, "Where the hell are we?" Hobi stopped and looked around, having no clue what so ever as to the bearing of their lodging.
"The house is over there," Bikram pointed, "just over that hill."
"Oh." Hobi felt a little embarrased, having been lead around like a flipping child without knowing it.
"You were preoccupied." Bikram excused with a shrug.

When he got back inside he found Yoongi and Taehyung seated crosslegged opposite one another on the floor with a board game between them.
Staring at eachother.
"WHO THE HELL LET THE TWO HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE GET THEIR HANDS ON RISK?!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. Looking, wildy around him.
They just didn't understand what they've done!
He'd had to frecken bury that game in the garden on a very dark night, a long, long time ago. Back when Taehyung lived with them.
They never stopped.
And they fell out.
And they didn't get along for weeks.
"Just stop them." Jungkook shrugged.
"Oh, I'm not going to." Hobi shook his head with his hands on his hips, "Whomever is responsible for this disaster will. And they'll get badly bitten." he promised, "I want no part of this!" he stalked off.
"Baby, maybe you should put that game aside?" Jungkook tried coaxing.
"STAY OUT OF THIS!" both men snapped.
"Oh, I'm out! I'm out!" Jungkook held his hands up and surrendered, as he slowly backed away, leaving it to someone else to deal with the gremlins.

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