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"Children," Jin said at breakfast, "Bonbon" he winked at the bodyguard, "has ordered me to hug you at least once a day, so, come on!" he motioned them towards him with his hand.
Taehyung didn't say a word, he just got up from his seat, still munching on a pancake and forced himself down on Jin's lap, almost flipping the chair over in the process.
Jungkook got up and hugged him from behind, putting his chin on Jin's shoulder, chewing.
In Jin's ear.
Even Hobi stood up and came over and kissed him on the cheek, getting caught and drawn in for a hug by Jin.
"You too, Minho." Jin urged.
"I, what?" Minho said, perplexed.
"Get over here and hug me," Jin ordered, "son." he winked.
"Dude." Minho protested, "I'm older than you!"
"Yes." Jin agreed, "But you're dating my kid. That makes you my son-in-law." he declared.
"Alright." Minho smiled, and took his position beside Hobi and leaned down and marked a kiss on the top of Jin's head, "You have a lot more hair than I'm used to." he joked.
"Yeah?" Jin looked up at him, "Your dad's bald?"
"One of 'em, yeah." Minho admitted.
"Guys," Namjoon entered the kitchen, "you need to see this." he held out a piece of paper.
"Come here and kiss me before you deliver the bad news." Jin demanded, holding a hand out for Namjoon.
"Jin, this is serious." Namjoon didn't even look up.
'Two seconds.' Jin thought. For two seconds he'd felt like himself again. He let out a deep sigh from all the way down his freaking kidneys.
And a super massive black hole opened up just to the left of him and threatened to pull him in and crush him with the unbearble weight of, everything.
Making him feel small.
A moth flapping it's wings inside a freaking vulcano, bound to die however hard it fought.
"People, a lot of people, have signed a petition, demanding we, and I quote, "publicly denounce our sinful ways or be stripped of our citizenship and deported." Namjoon huffed a disbelieving snort.
"Let me see that." Minho asked, softly, and Namjoon handed him the paper.
Minho laid it out on the table and scanned it with his phone and sent it to Mr Kim before calling him.
"Give me a sec." he told rather than asked them and went into the livingroom.
"Yeah, I know, it's ridiculous," they heard him say, "but, recognise the name on the petiton? Yeah, exactly, I think it would be a,"
His voice trailed off and the rest of them just looked at eachother.
"Has everyone gone insane?" Hobi commented, after a while.
"Seems like it." Taehyung answered, still on Jin's lap.
"Squirt, I love you, but you're kind of heavy." Jin complained.
"Oh, sorry!" Tae said and stood up, "I wasn't thinking."
Jin wrapped an arm around Tae's hips and rested his head against his waist.
Taehyung suddenly got worried for real, about his brother, he seemed to have shrunk four sizes and he put an protective arm around Jin's shoulders, squeezing him tight.
Jungkook came up and took a stand behind them both, putting a hand on each of their arms.
"Namjoon," Hobi said, deadpanned, "how far off are you from inventing a time machine so Jungkook and I can go back and pretend like we're straight?"
"Yeah, but the clips," Jungkook argued.
"Shush." Hobi snapped his finger, "We'll fix that after."
"Oki." Jungkook chuckled.
"Yeah, sorry," Namjoon smiled, "chances are we wouldn't even be able to tell if someone actually invented one, we would just be in this new reality as we would perceive it."
"Well that sucks." Hobi pouted.
"Totally." Jungkook agreed, very disappointed.
"Wait," Taehyung said, "are you saying we're potentially in some sort of ongoing creation, constantly morphing into something new? Changing the past as we go along?"
"Huh." Namjoon said, dumbstruck for a second, "Tae, I want to lick your brain! You should've become a physicist!"
"Yeah." Namjoon nodded and took off upstairs to, invent, time, or whatever.
"He'd be nothing without me." Tae bragged and sat down beside Jin, making everyone laugh.
Taehyung was good at a lot of things, but, while he'd managed to sow the seed to Namjoon's dissertation, it was no secret he was bad with science.
At least studying science. Maybe his creative mind would've been an asset, had he just gotten past the building blocks of a scientist?
'Nah.' he thought, he didn't have the patience with repeating the same process over and over again to prove it worked. 'I rather be Namjoon's muse.' he concluded, proud of himself.
"I love you." Jungkook said, hanging over his shoulder, crossing his arms infront of Tae.
"I love you too." Taehyung smiled, and kissed him on his biceps, before shuffling his chair closer to Jin so he could lean them on Jin's shoulder, "I love you most." he said to Jin, sensing Jin's need for affection.
"Me too." Jungkook said.
"Me three." Jin smiled and put his head on theirs. He did really love these kids. Something ginormous.
Beyond, beyond.
Further than life itself.

Minho came back.
"Where's Namjoon?" he wondered.
"Upstairs." Tae nodded his head back, "Creating a universe or something."
"No shit?!" Minho shook his head to get back on track, "Listen, obviously this petition is never going to get off the ground, there's just no way. However," Minho grimaged, "one of the names behind the petition itself happens to be a person currently employed by one of the assembly members, which means, there's gonna be some noise." he shrugged, "I would bet my last dollar on this being some political grandstanding scheme, seeing as the asshat he works for is up for re-election next year."
"O, joy." Jin spat out.
"Mm." Minho agreed.
"He's in opposition?" Jin wondered.
"Oh, yeah." Minho confirmed.
"Brr." Jin shivered.
"Translation? Please?" Tae begged.
"Bringing it to the floor, arguing the current government 'ignores the will of the people', something like that." Minho gave the Cliff's notes.
"O, joy." Taehyung echoed Jin's previous sentiment.
"I think we can use this to our advantage, though." Minho said a wee bit hesitant, "But it's going to mean a lot more exposure for us all," he stretched out his arm taking Hobi's hand, "'cause I'm, I want to stand by you for this, my love, if you'll let me?"
Hobi closed the distance between them, placing Minho's hand on his own back before winding his arms around his man, "I love you." he said, simply, looking into Minho's eyes.
"I love you." Minho answered, both of them caught in this precious moment, before sharing a chaste kiss with a very clear promise of more to come.
"Sorry about that guys." Namjoon came back, "I just had to jot down some ideas before," he trailed off looking at Hobi and Minho, "Ooo-oooh." he complimented, leaning back on his leg, looking them over, making Minho blush and everyone else giggle.
"Sthap." Hobi gestured and hid his face against Minho's neck.
"Love is in the air," Namjoon sang and started to boogie around them, "everywhere I look around."
"Seriously?" Tae asked, aghast, "That's the song you, it's from the flipping dark ages!"
"But very fitting." Namjoon insisted, still dad-dancing, finding his way over to Jin and sat down in his lap and wound his arms around Jin's neck, "Now I can kiss you my darling." he said. And did.
"I can't watch this." Jungkook said and turned away.

"Well, if that's how you want to handle it?" Bonbon said, looking around the table, getting nods and affirmative noises, "Then we're gonna have to ramp up the security." he concluded.
Jin sighed, deeply, he didn't want to ask this question, but he had to, "And how much is that going to cost?" he shivered internally, he was already hemorraging money.
"Jin, no." Tae said, with a hand on his arm.
"I'll cover the cost for Hobi and I." Minho said.
"We'll cover the cost." Hobi injected.
"Yeah, and Jungkook and I will pay for ours."
"But you only have your allowance, your trust fund doesn't kick in 'til next year!" Jin protested.
"I have a trust fund?" Taehyung asked, completely taken by surprise.
"Of course you have a trust fund." Jin brushed over the topic with haste.
"Huh." Tae leaned back, feeling, he didn't actually know what he was feeling, he'd always been well off and had more money than he could spend as it was.
"Anyway," Tae continued, "Jungkook and I can still handle the cost, I'm sure."
"Yeah." Jungkook nodded, he still had some pretty lucrative sponsor deals under his belt.
"And the lawyer fees I think we should split between us all." Tae went on.
"Obviously you're not paying me." Minho clarified, "Not only would that be completely unethical, I'd be mortified!"
"But," Jin tried.
"Listen, I still have a very high paying job at Mr Kim's firm, and I think I could, if you trust me enough?" he suddenly had to ask, he couldn't just take it for granted!
"Du-uh." Jungkook said.
"I think it's safe to say that we do." Namjoon smiled.
"Thank you." Minho was serious, and a bit moved, "What I was thinking was," he looked at Jin, "you should absolutely keep Mr Kim on as your family lawyer, doing what he's always done and keep him as spokesperson for, you know." he waved his hand infront of him.
"Team Dick?" Hobi suggested.
"Yeah." Minho smiled, " And I'll keep doing what I would be doing, only." he waved his hand again.
"For free?" Tae filled in.
"But how will that work for you?" Namjoon wondered, "If you still have a full time job?"
"Well, first of all," Minho smiled, crookedly, "you weren't my only clients to begin with, and besides, I'm on leave of absence for a month or so, 'til I pass the bar. Again." he sighed, "It's the writing that's killing me." he confessed.
"Oh?" Namjoon said.
"Yeah." Minho explained, "I still have to think, hard, for every character I write, takes me flipping ages! And I sound like a seven-year-old." he grimaged, "but anyway, I think I could use a couple of days to get down and dirty with y'all, creating a kick-ass strategy, without it nibbling on my studies. I really do."
"Couldn't you just romanise it?" Tae wondered, "I mean, you're fluent in speach after all?"
"I'm telling you," Namjoon said, "I want to lick your brain!"
"O, I have to check on that right away!" Minho said and, left the kitchen, "Excuse me for a second!" he shouted.
"Let's adjourn." Hobi said, and went after him.
"Let's." Jungkook agreed and pulled Tae with him.
"Come on," Namjoon suggested and gave Jin his hand, "let's take a nap."
"Ok, but," he looked to the bodyguard, "Bonbon, go ahead and crank up the security." he asked.
"Sure thing." Bonbon smiled.

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