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"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked as he hugged Jin.
"Still a bit embarrassed, to be honest." Jin admitted.
"Try letting Hobi's sister help you pee..." Yoongi muttered.
"OMG, you didn't?" Jin laughed, and gave Jiwoo a quick hug.
"Yah!" Jiwoo slapped him on the arm.
"Of course you did!" both Jin and Yoongi said in chorus, laughing.
Jin had insisted they'd get the gang together and just have a nice dinner, like normal people, before venturing into the badlands, like they were about to.
"Jangmi sends her love,"I'm sure." Yoongi continued, grinning.
He hadn't actually invited her, because he didn't want anyone to feel like they'd have to guard their words tonight.
Instead he'd brought said sister, who'd happened to be in town for a few days without her man.
"You didn't even tell her?" Jiwoo asked, disapprovingly.
"She yaps." Yoongi shrugged.
"OMG, diaper rash! You should just end it with her if you don't even trust her to eat with your friends!" she complained.
"Whatever." Yoongi moped.
"Hey sis!" Hobi said, coming to greet her when hearing her voice, "This is Lee Minho, man of my dreams, love of my life, baby, this in my annoying, big sister, Jung Jiwoo."
"OMG!" Jiwoo groaned, "We've met! Like several times, moron!"
"I know that," Hobi whined, "but he wasn't my mans then!" he stuck his tongue out at her.
"Of course he was! You just didn't know it yet because you're a moron!" she put her hand on her hip, "You're sure you wanna settle for this, loser?" she asked Minho, looking at Hobi with mock distain "You could probably do better?"
"Hey!" Hobi objected.
"Kidding!" Jiwoo giggled, "There's no one better than my little brother!" she pulled him in for a hug and followed it up with a noogie.
"On that we agree." Minho smiled and kissed her on the cheeks, "Everything ok with your parents? Sejun?" he asked, gallantly.
"Yes." Jiwoo smiled, "Thanks for asking, although, I must say, they are starting to climb on the walls a bit," she shrugged, "I don't think they've had this much free time on their hands, like, ever!"
"Are we hanging out in the hall?" Taehyung asked, waltzing in there, "Cool." he hugged Jiwoo and Yoongi.
A loud plop was heard and then something broke with a crash.
"OMG, Namjoon is opening the champagne." Taehyung realised.
"Where's Jungkook?!" Jin asked, rather desperately, racing in there, followed by Tae.
"His mom called."
"Dammit." Jin swore.
"Man," Namjoon whined and rubbed his forehead, "it almost hit me in the eye."
"Why were you opening it in the first place?" Jin complained.
"I wasn't." Namjoon defended himself, "Jungkook just handed me the bottle when his mom called."
"Christ." Jin chuckled, "Let me see." he examined Namjoon's head for injuries, "Let's put some ice on that, see if we can't keep the swelling down a bit." Jin fished out some ice cubes from the wine cooler and wrapped them in a napkin and held them against Namjoon's forehead.
"Hi guys!" Namjoon waved to Jiwoo and Yoongi.
"All limbs intact?" Jiwoo worried.
"He'll live." Jin determined.
Jungkook returned and said hello to the newcomers.
"Trouble?" Taehyung asked softly as he wormed his way into Kook's arms.
"Nah," Kook said and kissed him on the nose, "Grandpa's eightieth's coming up, and, you know, bother." he waved it off.
"Mm." Jungkook hugged Tae a little bit closer, having to haul bodyguards everywhere you went was quickly becoming tiresome, "What happened to you?" Kook asked Namjoon, holding the napkin to his head.
"The cork flew off." Namjoon muttered.
"'Course it did." Jungkook chuckled.

"How's he really doing?" Yoongi asked Namjoon, very low as they were stuffing their faces, finally. He'd been starving.
Namjoon sighed, "He says he's better, fine, when I ask, but..." he sighed again.
Yoongi put a hand on his arm in support, "We just got to believe him then."
"Yeah." Namjoon sighed, yet again.
"OMG, look at you!" Jiwoo cooed as Jin showed her a clip of Taehyung and Jungkook being cute with eachother, "Naaaw." she swooned when they kissed on camera, "You were so wittle, and soo cute!" she made a squishy motion towards the camera.
"Funny," Taehyung said, dryly, "I distinctly remember finding Jungkook to be very sexy, even then..."
"Oh, come on!" she turned the camera around and showed him, "That is one doe eyed little munchkin and one gangly little cuddle bug if ever I saw one!"
"Kekeke." Yoongi giggled like a little devil and pulled out his own phone, "I found this...!" he said with evil glee and showed a clip of Jiwoo and Jin, cuddling on the sofa watching a movie together.
"Omo!" Jiwoo clasped her hands over her mouth, and then started laughing, "I had such trouble getting you to make out with me!" she complained, "Aaahh!" she laughed, "I've never felt more like a wanton woman in my life!" she cackled, wiping away tears of laughter, making everyone else laugh like crazy, "Lord!" she snortled, "You have no idea how hard I worked to get him to 'accidentally' touch my boob!"
Yoongi almost fell out of his chair from laughing so hard!
"I'm so sorry for not feeling you up!" Jin laughed and side hugged her.
"Lo-hooking a-hat this," she pressed out through laughter, "Ha-I'm rather, relieved you didn't!" she couldn't freaking breathe, "It would've scarred me for life!"
"Ha ha." Jin pouted.
"I'm sorry, darling." Jiwoo patted him on the knee, "But you know it's true!" she started coughing, "Namjoon!" she took a sip of wine, "Tell us, how long did it actually take you to get him to make out with you?"
"After I told him I was in love with him? About," he weighed his hand in the air, "thirty seconds..."
"And to get him to sleep with you?" she promted him.
"Another five minutes?"
"Namjoon!" Jin was red as a stop sign.
"What?" Namjoon asked, innocently.
"Give me that." Jin said and snatched the wine bottle from Hobi and filled his own glass and drank half of it, "If people are gonna start spilling personal, stuff, about me, I'll need another drink." he fanned himself.
"You slept with my brother five minutes after you told him you were in love with him?" Tae asked Namjoon, impressed, "Wow, Joon. Way to go!"
"You slept with me before you, or I, said anything about being in love." Jungkook pointed out.
"Yeah, well, that was more, organic. We'd made out for hours beforehand!" he retorted, prudishly.
"True." Jungkook nodded. And kissed him.
"And I was thinking it, the whole time." Taehyung whispered in his ear, "And trying not to come!"
Jungkook threw his head back and laughed and pulled Tae in for a hard hug, "I love you." he smiled, eyes shining.
"I know you do." Tae smiled back.
Yoongi was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed infront of him, "I remember," he started, "I mean, when did that change? The declaration of love coming before the sex? As an adult it's invariably the other way around, isn't it?"
"Is it?" Jin asked.
"Oh, yeah." Yoongi, Jiwoo, Hobi and Minho all said in one voice.
"But now that I think about it, Sejun and I pretty much told eachother seconds after the first time we had sex." Jiwoo speculated.
"So did we." Hobi confessed.
"Us too." Taehyung smiled.
"Huh." Yoongi felt heavy. He still hadn't told Jangmi anything of the sort.
"I have a hypothesis," Namjoon started, "but I wouldn't know," he admitted, "I'm still together with my first love and sex partner,"
"An hypothesis? Not a theory?" Yoongi asked.
"No, theories have verifiable findings and some proof to support it, I just have an idea based on anectdotal evidence, sitting right infront of me." Namjoon concluded.
"Nerd." Yoongi lovingly teased him.
"And proud of it." Namjoon smiled.
"Please lay forth your your poorly supported piece of mind to the court of promiscuous jesters and we shalt tell you hast it value." Hobi went full Shakespeare.
"Groan." Jiwoo put her hand to her forehead, "You suck at Shakespeare."
"But I have a question first," Namjoon said, "obviously you all have had sex with no feelings involved and thus no declaration of love to follow," the court nodded, "but, you've had sex with someone you developt feelings for later and that lead to a relationship eventually?"
"But not with the ones you're currently involved with, right? So, my thinking is this, when it's the real deal, sorry Yoongi," he pat him on the hand, "those two go together and doesn't feel weird, as I'm guessing a declaration of love on the first date or whatever, might. Otherwise."
"Yeah," Jiwoo nodded, enthusiastically, "anyone other than Sejun telling me they loved me after our first time having sex, and I would've considered it a red flag."
"Stalker warning." Taehyung nodded.
"I think you're on to something." Minho nodded, "I remember Darren and I being a couple for months, perhaps even over a year before feeling comfortable enough telling eachother we loved one another. And it still felt like a really big step and a bit too soon." he turned to Hobi, "I told you I was in love with you that first night, and, yeah, I thought I would throw up, going out on a limb like that, but it didn't feel, it felt right, just the same. I wanted you to know."
"I wanted you to know too," Hobi smiled, "'cause I knew you could handle it." Hobi had to close his eyes and draw Minho in for a sultry kiss when memories of their first time making love, flooded his mind.
"Well, this turned into a depressing evening." Yoongi sulked.
"Just end it with her." Jiwoo suggested, softly, for the second time tonight.
"I don't want to end it with her." Yoongi pouted, "I like her."
"That good in bed, huh?" Hobi giggled.
Yoongi just stuck his tongue out.
"I don't feel comfortable talking about someone who isn't here." Jin squirmed in his seat a bit, "And how do you not get jealous about the other people your man has been with? Woman? Whatever?" he blurted out, becoming a little drunk as he was.
"Why would I be jealous someone's loved Minho before? I love him. I always want him to be happy. I wouldn't have wanted him to be lonely before me?" Hobi answered.
"Yeah, but." Jin trailed off.
"Listen," Yoongi said, "every person you sleep with, it's different, you can't compare it between partners, it doesn't work that way. You can have great sex or bad sex with someone you've just met and you can have great sex or bad sex with someone you're in love with." he shrugged, "Depends on the circumstances."
"I will say, though," Hobi admitted, "there is this whole 'nother level, spiritual level, to making love I never knew existed before I met you." he looked longingly into Minho's eyes.
"Yeah." Jiwoo nodded, "I know what you mean." she smiled.
"The 'I don't know where you end and I begin?' level?" Taehyung suggested, looking at Jungkook, smiling, "'Cause that level is something else!"
"The 'I see you and I'm all in.' level." Hobi agreed, looking at Minho.
"The 'We hold eachother's hearts in our hands.' level." Jiwoo smiled, staring off into space.
"Yeah, I know that level," Namjoon smiled at Jin, "the, 'I welcome everything you bring.' level."
"Kill me." Yoongi groaned, hands over his face.

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