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"Aaahhh." Jiwoo was having a foot massage orgasm, "You could make a lot of money on this, diaper rash." she groaned, thoroughly enjoying Yoongi's expertise in the area.
"Probably not." Yoongi argued, "I can only do it for the people I love." he shrugged.
"OMG! Yoongles!" Hobi squeeled, "Did you just tell my sister you loved her? Naaw. Heart eyes!"
"Oh, yeah!" Jiwoo laughed, "He let it slip when he was drugged up on morphine!"
"Shut up." Yoongi blushed, "I was perfectly sober." he muttered.
They were all seated in humonguos couch in the living room area of Taehyung and Jungkook's suite. It had a fire place and all. Crazy.
None of them wanted to go back to reality this evening, spending some quality time together, make believing they were just as any other young people, socialising.
In a ridiculously expensive hotel.
Having the top floor to themselves.
As one usually had.
With bodyguards and security parked outside.
But besides that.
Just hanging out after a nice meal.
Cuddling on the sofa.
Talking nonsense and memories.
Drinking some nice wine.
People stuff.
"Thank you for insisting we do this Jin." Hobi said, cuddled up to Minho's side, "Being normal again. I almost forgot how that felt."
"Normal doesn't exist," Jin shrugged, "but you're welcome."
"Well, normal for me." Hobi smiled.
"Not sure about that either," Jin argued, "I mean look at you, being an old married couple!" he motioned towards them.
"I've had boyfriends before!" Hobi protested.
"Yes. Exactly." Namjoon smiled, "Boyfriends. That there is clearly your man." he pointed at Minho.
"You are my man, aren't you?" Hobi purred, completely smitten, smiling up at Minho before kissing him.
"Uhmn, hmn, yhos." Minho sounded, being pretty intoxicated by Hobi's kisses and attention.
"Wrapped around his finger, aren't you?" Tae smiled fondly and bumped Minho's shoulder.
"Hmn, yeah, little bit." Minho grumbled and hid his face behind Hobi's head.
"Sthap." Hobi slapped Tae's arm, "Like Jungkook isn't totally whipped for you and have always been!"
"True." Taehyung smiled at Jungkook.
"And proud of it." Jungkook boasted, "I mean considering how many people, our friends included, that have wanted to get in your pants over the years, I consider myself quite lucky for being the one with actual access." he nodded.
"And that's the only reason you're whipped? Because I put out?"
"Yes." Jungkook grinned and pulled Tae into his lap.
"Hmpf." Taehyung moped, "You're very close to sleeping on the couch tonight, so you know."
"Nah." Jungkook laughed "I'll just take the other bedroom."
"Asshole." Tae laughed and shoved him.
"Which you can have, any time you want, 'cause it's yours." Jungkook whispered in Tae's ear, practically melting Taehyung who let out a moan and flipped in Jungkook's arms to face him, and let him see his blown out pupils before he kissed him.
"We really should have a spray bottle in hand for moments like this," Jiwoo suggested and dipped her hand in the wine cooler and flicked some cold water on the two little horndogs to break them up, "would make things so much easier." she wiped her hand on Yoongi's jeans.
He didn't say peep.
'Cause he was a nice guy who would offer up his pants to a lady in his life when she needed it!
But he would be a little bit irritated if Jangmi did it.
'Cause she'd do it for effect.
Jiwoo did it 'cause Hobi's leg was too far away. And she was wearing a really nice skirt, and the napkins were over at the table and she wasn't wearing any shoes. At the moment.
And he was more in love with Jiwoo than he was with Jangmi.
Even if it was just, residual feelings from childhood, 'you're the first girl I ever crushed on,' stuff.
He sighed.
"Why couldn't you just have let yourself be wooed by my excellent wooing?" he muttered, "My life would've been so much easier."
"What when you were five?" Jiwoo laughed.
"Yes." Yoongi nodded, "Our parents should just have arranged it then and, whoop-de-doo, married."
"I didn't know you used to have a crush on Jiwoo?" Taehyung said.
"Wasn't so much a crush as an constant attempt to shock me." Jiwoo laughed, "With his little peepee." she took hold of his chin and shook it.
"Not true!" Yoongi pouted, "You were definitely my first love." he stuck his tongue out.
"Aish!" she slapped his arm, "I was just the only girl in our neighbourhood that wasn't scared of you!" she laughed, "So moody!" she shook his chin again.
"Yeah, well, if you were running around showing them your weiner, no wonder they were afraid of you." Tae snorted.
"No, no," Jiwoo squeeled, "I was the only lucky one there! He was a freaking menace!"
"Hardi har." Yoongi moped.
"Yeah, I remember!" Hobi laughed, and stood up, "Weewoo, Weewoo!" he imitated and pushed his hips forward, shaking his peepee.
"So that's where he gets it from!" Jin laughed, motioning in Hobi's direction.
"Excuse me?" Hobi got completely off track from that remark.
"You know what I mean." Jin waved him off and took a sip of wine, "Running around showing your ding dong to everyone who wants to see it!" he laughed.
"Jin!" Tae protested, completely flabbergasted.
"Ok." Namjoon said and took the glass from Jin, "So no more booze for you tonight."
"What, come on!" Jin argued, "It's not like he hasn't slept with half the city!"
No one really knew how to handle this, right now.
Had it been before, the, whatever, Hobi would've just dished it out, right back at him, but now?
Hobi did not know what to do right now.
"So have I." Yoongi said, calmly, "What's your point?"
"No." Taehyung said, firmly, "Jin, apologise." he ordered.
"For what?" Jin challenged.
"For being a douche." Tae said.
"Fine. I'm sorry." Jin pouted and crossed his arms infront of him.
"Hobi," Taehyung put a hand on Hobi's arm, "I'm sorry." he apologised, a bit more heartfelt than Jin.
"It's fine." Hobi waved it off and sat back down beside Minho, who put his arm around him, "I would just like to clarify," Hobi felt the need to say, "I have not slept with half the city, just 'cause I've slept with more people than you." he moped, getting a squeeze from Minho.
"I certainly have." Yoongi confessed.
"Yeah, but you weren't caught on film, pictures, the, things," he waved his hands around trying to express himself, "whilst doing it!" he insisted.
"Sure I was." Yoongi said coolly, "diffrence is, I've mostly slept with women. Women tend to not let other people see private photos. Because they're classy. And decent human beeings. Men are assholes." he shrugged.
"So you're an asshole?" Jin asked, sarcastically.
"I'm sure I have been." Yoongi shrugged, "I'm sure I've gotten away with a lot of things, women could never come back from, had they done them."
"That's just. Wow." Jin moped, "Are you saying that everyone in this room is an asshole."
"No." Yoongi shook his head, "See, you're all gay, you're not allowed to be swines. You have to be a straight man to get away with all the stuff."
"Huh." Jin was thoughful, "Maybe you're right?" he leaned back on the couch again.
"I know I'm right." Yoongi laughed.

Nobody said anything about it, but the spirits kind of tanked in the room after that.
Hobi actually felt like crying. Jin's comment had really hurt him. Stung him. He couldn't shake it off.
It made him feel like a floozy, jumping from one guy to another. And he wasn't!
Sure, he'd had sex with strangers, but that'd been mutual hook ups with no strings attached, just a promise of a good time, no questions asked.
Every relationship he'd ever had he'd taken seriously, been committed to.
"Not everyone is as lucky as you and Taehyung were, finding your soulmate on the first try." he blurted out in the middle of something else.
Maybe he was a bit more drunk than he realised?
"Maybe it's not about luck," Jin defended himself, "maybe it's about character?" he said, snarkily.
"Jin! WTH?" Tae gasped.
"I beg your pardon?" Jiwoo spat out, "Are you really trying to slut shame my brother? Really, Jin? Really?"
"Ok." Namjoon said, and stood up, "Time for bed." he tried to pull Jin up and get him to stand, but he was a bit more drunk than anybody had realised, "Jungkook, a hand?" Namjoon begged, and Jungkook shot up, practically lifting Jin up from the couch, slinging one of his arms over his own shoulder. Namjoon took the other one and they moved towards the door.
"I'm really sorry about this, guys." Namjoon said over his shoulder.
"Why are you apologising?" Jin whined, "I can apologise for myself, thank you very much!"
"Then go ahead." Namjoon bit out.
"No." Jin pouted, "I don't want to."
"Fine." Namjoon growled, "Sorry guys! And you shut the hell up!" he threatened Jin, dragging him out of there, slamming the door behind them.
"OMG," Hobi said, "I'm so sorry! I think I'm a bit more drunk than I realise! I was just so hurt. I'm sorry!"
"Hobi," Taehyung turned to him, "you're not the one that should be sorry!" he assured him, "Jin was totally out of line, and I," he shook his head and shrugged, "I, hell, I don't know what the hell just happened!"
Jungkook came back and went straight for a backhug of Tae, "What happened?" Tae asked.
"He's in a real foul mood." Jungkook shivered, "Nasty. I've never seen him like that before." he held Tae tighter, "I would not want to be Namjoon tonight."
"Well this sucked." Taehyung sighed.
"I think it's safe to say," Yoongi also sighed, "that chanses are, your brother is not as 'fine' as he says he is."
"No." Minho said, "I mean, I don't know him as well as you all do, but, I did get the feeling he was play fighting the whole night, if you know what I mean?"
"Crap." Jungkook said.
Everyone sat back down in the couch again.
"Well this sucks." Taehyung sighed again.
"How do we handle this shit, then?" Jiwoo sighed, "I mean, he's got a part to play?"
Everyone sighed.
"I don't think there's anything we can do tonight," Minho tried to steer the vessel, "we still got tomorrow to figure things out before we, launch, or whatever you wanna call it."
"Crap." Jiwoo complained, "I was gonna order room service and pig out the whole day. And binge 'Crash Landing On You'."
"O, Hyun Bin." Taehyung swooned.
"Hey!" Jungkook slapped him.
"What?" Tae asked innocently, "He's one of my free passes? Yours too, if I'm not mistaken?"
"Yeah. But still!"
"You know I only really want you, baby." Taehyung flattered and pecked his lips.
"Please!" Yoongi complained, "I may vomit."
"He's just jealous." Jiwoo comforted, "He's not invested enough to figure out the freebies with Jangmi." she teased and stuck her tounge out.
"True." Yoongi nodded, "But I'm sure Hyun Bin would be on both our lists if we did!" he stuck his tongue out back.
"I've met him, you know?" Minho admitted, "He really is hot as all hell."
"Yeah?" Hobi smiled.
"Mm." Minho nodded.
"But is he gay?" Tae drooled.
"I couldn't tell you." Minho confessed, "The man is a closed book. Very guarded. Friendly, and nice, but. Secret."
"Sounds even more intriguing now." Hobi laughed.
"That is a good way to discribe him, yes," Minho smiled back, "intriguing."
"We should start a Team Dick chapter of the Hyun Bin fan club." Jiwoo laughed.
"Yeah." Jungkook agreed, "Or, we make him the mascot of Team Dick! Yeah? Yeah? Right?" he nodded enthusiastically.
"I think a fan club would be better," Yoongi argued, "I'm pretty sure half of us would faint and the rest would swoon if we used him as a mascot."
"You're probably right." Taehyung laughed.
"Fan club it is." Minho giggled, "I'll set it up."

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