Awkwardness In a Call

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Tubbo was sitting on his bed, Ranboo wasn't out of the discord call although it seem he was gone due to the fact the call was quiet, Tubbo could now hear Ranboo's soft breathing. Tubbo was too afraid to utter a single word.

Finally, after what seemed 12 hours but really was 2 minutes, Ranboo broke the frigid silence.

"What the actual fuck did you think will happen, Tubbo" Ranboo said with a soft, gruff tone.

Tubbo gasped, he knows that Ranboo doesn't use swear words so this was new.

"On MY stream you pulled this stunt? You know people are going to go ballistic over this now?!"

Tubbo would hate to see Ranboo's face at that moment, a blatant look of disappointment popped into his head, that hurt him.

"Look, I'm just trying to make sense of this, so, you confessed, and now you want an answer"

Tubbo said hesitantly, "y-yeah?"

"I don't like you that way." Ranboo said strongly, as if sure of himself "We can be friends but not lovers if that's what you're aiming for"

"I wasn't, I just wanted to do it," Although if you felt the same way I'd accept, Tubbo added silently

"Okay, I'm going to leave call, this has gotten too awkward for me," and with that Ranboo disconnected.

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