I Broke Down at the Pier When I Realized

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Tubbo was just sitting up on his bed, he can't process just what happened, he doesn't know what to do. He hasn't ever been rejected since he never really crushed on people, much less confessed. So he decided to sleep because that is the best way to deal with things until you wake up.

So that is exactly what he did. Needless to say, Tubbo was zonked out until he woke up at 5 pm, a very reasonable time to wake up if you are sleep deprived. He groaned, he forgot to take off his binder, so he took it off. It's better to be dysphoric than suffocate to death, he told himself as that dreaded feeling creeped on him. He went down the stairs, the early morning confessing was thrust-ed into his head that Tubbo nearly tripped down the last flight of stairs.

"You okay, Toby," his mother asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah! I'm just heading out, I need me some air," he respond, grabbing his light blue hoodie from the couch.

"Wait, before you go-"

"Sorry gotta go bye Mum," Tubbo interrupted quickly.

Tubbo left the house in a hurry, he walks for a good while, thinking about his actual confession watching the people go by him and getting a couple of looks, he hopes that his bed hair is the thing capturing their glance. He made it to a rocky beach and saw the pier that he sees flash by in the family car, he decides to walk all the way down to the end of the old wooden pier, each step feeling heavy for some bizarre reason as he thinks about that small chat after the silence in the call that morning.

He made it to the end, the sun dipping into the salty seawater making both the sky and ocean turn to a orange and peach in front of him, behind Tubbo, the Earth's shadow making the rest of the sky a darkening blue hue. Tubbo had a realization:

"I don't like you that way"

Tubbo didn't registered that at first when Ranboo said that but now, it hit Tubbo with full force. He felt his eyes leak with the liquid that he contained for along he remembered, tears. He sure didn't like crying in public, but this was just something he has now acknowledged. He let out a little sob, just one to not draw attention to himself, if he was in his room, he'd let out the wails that were getting blocked in his throat. His tears gushing down in buckets was the only thing that he dared let people see.

Rejection hurts like hell, he found out that moment at the pier.

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