Realizing the Fact that You are Lovesick

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Tubbo spent that day lying around playing Minecraft and eating Monster Munch Crisps. He was eagerly awaiting to talk to Ranboo, but he felt slightly nauseous when he'd start daydreaming about him, longing gripped his heart and the urge to speak out the feelings he does not like came at full force, nearly tipping over his tongue and exposing him. It's about 5 am and the alert of Ranboo's stream popped up on his phone, 15 minutes late.

Tubbo suddenly lurched, bile raising up his stomach, I knew I should've not eaten those crisps. He then has the idea that maybe it won't be a good thing if he joins the stream considering the fact that he didn't sleep for 3 days and that he's going to probably throw up, but screw it. Tubbo grabbed the bit of courage he has and called Ranboo.

"Hey Ranboo!" Tubbo greeted him.

"Hey Tubbo, I was wondering when you were coming on! How ya been man!" Ranboo's voice filled Tubbo's ears, the nauseous feeling is stronger than ever.

"Great! Kinda tired but whatever."

The TwitchChat was flying with the usual "go to sleep Tubbo" and "omg it's like 5 am Tubbo"

"Your Chat isn't very cool, I get to sleep when I want, which is never"

"Sleep is for the Weak!" Ranboo said.

"Yeah!! Sleep is for the Weak, I'm a strong manly man who don't need no sleep!"

"I actually like sleeping, it's very cool if you ask me, you're dead to the world for a while"

"Well I don't want to be dead to the world, how will I get my Twitch Primes? Speaking of which, use your Primes on Ranboo!"

"Listen to the Man!"

They spent about an hour talking, Tubbo rambling about weird America is and when he meets Ranboo. Tubbo sure wasn't feeling well, he feels anxious and just plain old sick talking to the one who owns his heart.

"I feel very sick, hopefully I can skip school tomorrow," Tubbo half-joked.

"Lol, aren't you in lock down over there in the UK?"

"Yeah that's the joke Ranboo, although I do feel a bit sick."

"Well then sleep! You don't have to stay up for me Tubbo"

"Too bad! I never have enough time to be with you so I'm staying!" Tubbo's voice shook with a weird sound laced with it

"Alright, if you dropped dead asleep than it's not my fault"

"Of course not!"

Tubbo's door opened with his sister at the doorway, obviously annoyed and tired.

"Could you shut up Toby? You're shouting." (A/N: i am so sorry for using his name it looks so wrong aaaaaa-)

He dropped his voice down to a soft whisper,"oh sorry, I didn't know I was loud."

"Sure you didn't," and with that, she left the room, closing the door quietly

"Ooh someone's in trouble~" Ranboo teased.

"Well I guess I should go, Mother Dearest might whip me if Teagan tells her."

"Haha! Okay buh bye Tubbo!"

"Goodbye, Ranboo my beloved."

Tubbo left the call and immediately felt worse, his heart felt it was going to burst, maybe that's because of his binder that he didn't take off yet or something more dreadful. He goes back to the clip where he makes that weird sound when his voice shook,

"Too bad! I never have enough time to be with you so I'm staying!"

Tubbo dropped his phone onto his face, he realized the thing laced was just something that he didn't want to be conscious of, the sound of longing but you can hear it audibly, the saddness in the sentence that it sort of hard to hear.

Tubbo is so screwed, now that he knows what the nausea really meant, I guess I have to come to terms with this inconvenience

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