Family is Apart the Healing Process (even the old cat helps)

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Tubbo felt tired, but his body said otherwise. He was under his blankets, feeling a void that he wishes never came to be, he was scrolling through his twitter feed, making sure to not like anything related to him and Ranboo. Unfortunately, a lot of people were talking about last night's stream, which was taken down by Ranboo. The confession went viral, making it's way to number 1 and 4 on trending on Twitter for the United States, and got a description, very big indeed. There were screenshots that show the trends.


4- Binder- Fans are surprised to hear in the same love proclaiming stream that Tubbo is transgender. The Stream has since now been deleted. [trending with Tubbo, CONFESSION, beetwt]

Tubbo groaned, he didn't realized that he said that, but he doesn't care, he'd rather wallow in his own self-loathing than pay attention to what ever Chat found out. That was a lie obviously, there are people, who were never even aware of his existence, who are disgusted of Tubbo, which wounded him.

Marie Franks: @MarieFranksPHD
Online people are influencing our children to be sinful, God will not have mercy to those who are not appreciative to what He gave them. This is terrible what the media is doing.

He certainly knows that Beetwt is collapsing on itself, those with the same love for the Tubbo/Ranboo dynamic going insane with their lovely platonic dynamic probably not being so platonic after all, and of course, the weird side of twitter going feral with revolting ideas about their relationship (poppytwt i'm looking at you, nasty). Tubbo checked the time, 9:32 pm. Tubbo hear his door getting scratched, and his old ginger cat, Rocky came inside. Tubbo patted his bed to make his cat go up with him. Rocky snuggled up to him, making Tubbo's eyes water again.

He let out a chuckle, "man, I sure am in my feels huh Rocky?"

The cat looked up to him and meowed, headbutting Tubbo's arm, making Tubbo feel weaker, just about everything is making him cry, which isn't good of course. He thought for a bit, about his parents wanting to talk to him, he doesn't want to say anything, especially to his father, but he feels too hurt care completely. But then again, his father might hate Tubbo even more, that expression a few hours earlier really was petrifying.

Tubbo found himself going down the stairs, heading towards his parent's room. He knocked the door softly, hearing his mother say "come in!" He went inside, his mother was brushing her hair.

"Hey honey. You okay?"

"Yeah, no I'm not" his voice trembled. "I think I just ruined my life forever, my best friend doesn't not like me."

His mother turned on her comforting voice on, "Aw baby, these things happen, although you might have it harder than others, since it's out on the internet, but you'll deal with it like every teenage boy."

She wrapped her arms around Tubbo, the motherly warmth engulfing him with love, making Tubbo melt into a puddle.

"That's the thing, I told everyone I wasn't completely a boy, and there are people who hate my guts now. Ranboo didn't return my feelings and I embarrassed him on his own stream. He hates me! I hate me!!"

He began to sob, his eyes barely had time to recover from crying so his tears stung more than he'd think, his mother was rubbing he arm up and down Tubbo's heaving back for comfort.

"I just wanted to speak for the better feeling for my heart, turns out I couldn't handle it."

That instant Tubbo's Father enter the room. Tubbo quieted down, afraid that his Father was going to be mad at him. Instead, his Father looked down at him with sympathy.

"Hey, it'll be okay. You messed up yeah, up in front of the world your feelings, but you'll get through this, son"

With that Tubbo realized that, even though his family had their differences, they'll help.

Even Old Rocky being himself will make Tubbo feel better.

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