Regretful Actions Lead to An Aggravated Conscious

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After that call, regret poisoned Ranboo's systems, anger was flushed out. His reaction was uncalled for, and he knows it. He logged into twitter, having the slightest bit of hope that nobody would pay attention. There were people freaking out, well, that's an understatement, twitter is in shambles and just devolving once again into anarchy. Ranboo had begun to panic, he isn't gonna be able to do damage control this time, so he decided to see if he can find a way to make sure it isn't as big of a problem.

He spent a few minutes trying to remove clips off twitch but alas, other social media sites have their own copies of what was transpired.

"I can't believe this."

Ranboo fell into his bed and cried into his pillows, his chest heaving with each sob that left him, he wasn't sure what he should do, nobody would know what to do with such an humiliating event but cry. He spent the evening crying, till he fell asleep, bringing such terrible things into the imaginary escape that are to be called dreams.


Ranboo woke up, hoping yesterday's events were just some complex nightmare, he opened his phone and saw dozens and dozens of notifications from practically every single social media he has, his friends had been spamming him are few are still sending messages. Ranboo responded to few messages, Tommy was the first one who he responded to.

Ranboo: Hey Tommy, I'm not dead.


Ranboo: I know.

Tommy: I tried to contact you, but you slept through everything.

Ranboo: So...

Ranboo: how is Tubbo?

Tommy: Idk but I sure am going to kill both of you.

Ranboo: Please, that's the first thing I want to happen right now.

Tommy: Well then I won't kill you

Tommy: You should not post anything, it's sort of all over the place...

Ranboo: Oh god

Ranboo groaned out loud, he wanted nothing to do but shut himself away forever, from the internet, from his friends, from Tubbo.

Oh Tubbo...he doesn't want to admit it, but God it takes some guts to confess to someone live in front of thousands of people, and millions later with the clips, and yet, this is not how he wanted to be known as, the streamer who's best friend confessed and rejected bitterly.

Ranboo switched out to twitter, curious about what's trending. A few keywords on his trending page, binder, confession, trans, tubbo, ranboo. This is so awful

Ranboo: What can I do now?

Tommy: Probably talk things out with Tubbo? Play everything off as a joke?

Tommy: He hasn't talked to me, so he's probably avoiding being online at all

Ranboo: I feel so awful Tommy

Tommy: Yeah I would too...

Ranboo: I feel angry but he didn't do anything wrong and he's the one getting the worst of it

Ranboo: He fucking outed himself, even I didn't know who he was

Tommy: I saw.

Ranboo rubbed his eyes, he stood up from his bed to go get breakfast, he was famished, he considered calling Tommy, so he doesn't have to text him while they are preparing whatever there is he could eat.

Although, it seems like he didn't have much of a choice, because Tommy called him! So Ranboo answered the call.



"Look man, I need to know what happened, everything."

"I rejected him."

"Oh, really?"

Ranboo felt his cheeks flush for no reason, "yeah, I don't like him, I can't like him."

Tommy sneezed on the other side.

"I don't know Tommy, I feel just so...conflicted, I can't phrase my words. " Ranboo paused for some seconds. "I just want to continue as if nothing happened but if I do, how could I if we just never talk again?"

"What do you want to do Ranboo?"

He thought about it, carefully, I want him to know I hate how he handled his confession, but, I don't want him out of my life forever...

"I'm worried for Tubbo, but I'm not ready to talk to him, maybe sometime this week?"

"Ermm...I'm sure the twitter masses can't wait that long, but do whatever you want."

"I need help Tommy," Ranboo's voice broke a bit, "I don't know what to do, I'm so confused!"

"Hey man, I'll be here for you! I can see what I can do, for damage control!"

"You can't control the damage if you weren't the one who started it!"

"I'm also the friend of the one who did the 'damage', I can make sure everyone I know to not even utter a word until you and Tubbo get your shits together."

Ranboo nodded, then mentally smacked himself for doing that, "okay."

He hung up on Tommy after they said their goodbyes, alone, in the kitchen, his appetite gone. He was left alone with his thoughts, regrets, anger, and the things he had repressed for so long.








this what i had from my drafts so yeah! I'll work on the next chapter and hopefully wrap this up before I enter college :]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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