Chapter 9: Unlocking the heart, Lock the Reality

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[Sam POV]

After I finished my individual training with Super Junior, the company evaluated me. I really thought that I will be with other trainees during the evaluation, but to my surprised, I was the only trainee that they evaluated, and it was a relief to know that they were all impressed on my talents. I really do owe everything to Super Junior. After the evaluation, the company decided to pull me out of Super Junior’s dorm and transfer me to my own dorm. It was good thing that I only live above their floor since I was now felt close to all of them. Especially to Donghae. It may sound bad, but I was trying my very best to kill all the feelings that I had for him, since I already had a boyfriend. Speaking of which, Henry has been in China for 4 months already promoting his new album. He does call me everyday, telling me all the wonderful experience that he had there, I know I should feel like somehow in a cloud 9 by just hearing his voice, but sad to say, I felt nothing.

Today, I went home early from my dance lessons. I put my thumb on the scanner and the door opened. I looked at my watch and it was just 8pm, maybe I could have my dinner with the guys. Since I don’t want to just barge in their dorm, I decided to ask them first. I grab my phone from my pocket and I sent a message to Leeteuk.

To: Leeteuk oppa.

Oppa~ ! are you at your dorms right now? let’s all have dinner! J

Not long enough, I already received a reply.

From: Leeteuk oppa.

Mianhe sam, we are still filming a variety show today, but you could join donghae in the dorms. He went early today since he’s not feeling well.

As soon as I read the last words on his message, I didn’t had a chance to reply to him as my feet instantly moved on itself and in just a matter of minutes, here I am standing infront of the door of Super junior’s dorm.

[Donghae POV]

                Ever since this morning, I’m not really feeling well. The hyungs suggested me to just stay home, but I don’t want to leave my job unattended, so I decided to do all my schedules today. I was on my 3rd schedule, which is filming a variety show with the members when I felt body became heavier than the usual. It’s good that manager hyungnim let me go home early to rest, so after his drop me off at the dorms, I immediately went inside the dorms. Since I was really felt weak, I throw myself in the couch in the living room as I stared in the ceiling and felt the coldness and weakness inside me as I close my eyes and drifted to sleep.


                I slowly opened my eyes and I could hear the door bell rung. I really want to stand up but my body is still heavy and my vision is blurry. Then I was surprised that the door opened and I could hear walk steps going near to where I am right now and I felt something beside me and I was surprised to saw Sam sitting.

“Donghae oppa? Are you alright?” she said as she put her hand in my forehead as I felt my body heated ten times more than awhile ago.

“I…am..fine…”  my voice looks like a monster coming from the underworld. It was a shame!

“I know you’re not. Come here, let me help you.” She said as she helped me as I tried my very best to stand up. My heart beats faster when she put her other arm on my waist as she let me rest my other arm to her shoulders and she helped walked going to my room.

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