Chapter 20

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AN: i cant remember but does anyone know if circe is a virgin goddess? Thoughts on her being draco's mother? And at this point Draco might be OOC im having a lot of trouble writing him and it's just slowing updates down too much


(Dominic- )




Among the stones of the damned, evil rises by the Ghost King's hand

It haunted his dreams.

Whistle, whistle, dark and cold whistle, gravestones and blood dripping into the soil

The voices were trying to warn him. But of what?

Mother and father, warn one another

He needed to talk to Rachel.




Being at Hogwarts but not having to go to school was amazing. Trying to teach Malfoy to be a demigod wasn't so much.

The first "training" they had wasn't planned. It was Nico kidnapping both of them via shadow travel, bringing them to an old classroom he had apparently found the last time he kidnapped Malfoy. Draco wasn't as shocked as last time, but it still took some time to get him to calm down.

"Stop doing that," he finally insisted. "You can't just kidnap me!"

Nico pulled a chair out of one of the desks and sat. "You're fine. Now, down to business. If you're going back home in the summer, you need to know how to defend yourself against monsters."

"Or you could come to camp," Dominic added.

"I am not going to-"

"Okay," Nico cut the insult off. "No camp. But nothing changes the fact that monsters are going to be after you now. Since I have classes and, uh...other issues, Dominic's going to be training you."

Malfoy didn't seem too pissed about that, so he continued on.

"What weapon are you interested in? Dagger? Sword? Bow? Spear?"

Mother and father, warn one another

Mother and father, rise with each other

"Dominic, pay attention." Nico flicked his forehead. "This is important."

"Yeah, it probably is," Dominic muttered.

"I can bring some things for you to try," Nico said to Draco. "Then you can decide what feels the best."

Draco held his wand up. "Perfectly capable."

"No, for the last time, it's not," Nico replied.




The second meeting was better. Malfoy actually met them at the designated time, his wand away but his attitude still there. But Nico not kidnapping him improved it by a tad.

Nico sat in the middle of the room and reached into the shadow of one of the desks, his eyes screwed shut as he concentrated. After a couple minutes of silence, Dominic shrugged at Malfoy's confused face.

"He thinks he can use the shadows as a pocket," Dominic supplied.

"I can!" Nico yelled. "Just give me a minute."

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