Chapter 1

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Nico di Angelo's dreams had kept getting weirder, more strange, more inhuman as Voldemort tried to convince him they were of the same monster. Murderer, he liked to say. Half-blood in both senses. Only half of a race but every bit as capable to take it down.

It had started last year, these nightmares, these terrifying thoughts provoked by Voldemort himself. It was the same year he had been attacked by a group of Emposia, the same year both of his worlds finally started creeping together.

And it was because of this other world of his that Voldemort sought his help, the help of a demigod-wizard, the blood of the di Angelo's and the blood of the gods. Nico kept declining the offer, on some weak nights saying he'd think about it, and in turn kept the usual nightmares to a common feat. But the promise of learning more about his mother wouldn't die easily.

This dream, deep in the comfort of the Burrow, was different than the others. This dream was live. This dream was from Voldemort's point of view, his gravely voice and execution orders coming from Nico's own lips. It was Hell. When he woke up drenched in the sweat of his rearranged, de-aged body, he felt like he couldn't speak without still sounding like the Dark Lord.

Avada Kedavra...the killing curse...Nico didn't so much as mouth it in fear that his old wandless magic would come back and kill the boy in the other bed. But it was what he had said, what Voldemort had said, in a dream he couldn't forget.

Unknown to him, Harry Potter had the same dream miles away. But his dream was different, was from a different point of view, showed Nico's face mixed with the inhumane face of Lord Voldemort.


The summer days had passed quickly. Going between the Burrow and Camp Half-Blood, spending time with the boyfriend he never should have departed from, teaching younger and younger kids as the gods had more and more affairs. He couldn't be alone with any of the demigods, especially the children of Athena, but he learned to take this in a comforting way instead of an insult.

It was he that had almost committed murder, after all, not the others. He couldn't complain.

Hazel's daughter had been born, a little girl named Nicole Hope Levesque who looked just like her mother in any way a newborn could. When Nico asked about the name, Hazel just asked why she wouldn't name her child after him. He could think of many reasons but decided not to list them.

This event had thrown babysitting into the mix. Sure, he had spent his own time with Percy's son, but never had he actually been alone with one of the babies until Hazel decided it would be a good idea. Even though Nicole was only a couple weeks old at the time, she insisted that Nico got some bonding time in.

He didn't tell her, but that's how he ended up shadow traveling to England with a baby for the first time, only Persephone's blessing keeping him from messing up. Nico was a proud uncle, it turned out. He spent hours showing her off to the Weasley's before eventually bringing her back to Camp Jupiter, where Hazel and Frank had gotten a small house in the city.

But even the baby didn't keep the nightmares away. The summer months were warm and pleasant, full of new life and baby giggles, but Voldemort's ugly face never went away.


It was a week in early June when he first noticed that something was up with Annabeth and Will. He would see them come from secret meetings with Chiron, see Annabeth's head in different plans or books, see Will talking to a Hecate camper or two. Whenever he approached Will about it, the son of Apollo would find a reason to get out of the situation.

"Trust me, I've noticed it, too." Dominic said one night at the camp fire, his eyes on Will as he strummed at his guitar. "They're planning something."

"Do you know what?" Nico had asked.

Dominic shook his head. "But Chiron's in on it, which means it's something big."

"Something to do with me?"


He approached Will about it the week after, made sure to trap him before he could run off. "William Solace, you're going to tell me what's going on."

Will had the decency to look ashamed as he glanced toward the door of the Hades cabin. "Nico, it's such a nice day...can't we go enjoy it?"

"Not until you answer my question." Nico crossed his arms. "What's going on? What are you and Annabeth planning? And how the hell did you get Chiron in on it?"

Will scratched the back of his neck. "It''s nothing bad, nothing to worry about. So-"

"William Solace, fucking answer me."

"Fine, fine." Will sat on Nico's bed and reached out to pet Anubis, a half-hellhound Nico had found in a wizarding shop in Diagon Alley. "It''s a plan Chiron said I can't say, but...but it's a plan to get the wizards and demigods to peacefully coexist."

"...And you didn't think to let me in on this?" Nico asked.

"They made me promise!" Will exclaimed. "They said you couldn't know because Dumbledore said that-"

"Dumbledore? You spoke to Dumbledore?" Nico shook his head in disbelief. "Will, you're playing with fire!"

"I know! But Chiron thinks this is the best option! The only option!" Will stood up and paced. "It would show each of us that we mean no harm to each other. We're both just trying to survive. did get out, among the demigods. The Athena kids know."

Nico put his head in his hands. "I can't believe you didn't tell me..."

"I wasn't allowed to. I'm not even supposed to be saying this." Will put a hand on Nico's shoulder. "This is why. You're too emotionally attached."

"They're my family-"

"It's not a bad thing," Will assured. "It's good you like them, good you have a family. But you know how that can cloud your judgement."

"Because my main goal is protecting them! They're going through a war, Will. I'm focused on saving them, not making them happy with demigods."

"Exactly." Will hugged him. "You focus on that, we focus on this. That's the deal."

"It's a risk."

"I know."

"It could kill us all."

"I know."

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