Chapter 19

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AN: Who should be Malfoy's godly parent? Comment ideas!


Dominic had a much harder time getting Draco alone than Nico had. He couldn't sneak out of a shadow, couldn't pull him into one, couldn't find him at any point of the day when he wasn't surrounded by other Slytherins.

Whistle, whistle, dark and cold whistle

The voices. They definitely didn't help.

His "sixth sense" used to be just that- a sense. Now it was visions, dreams, voices. Things that made him feel fucking insane. Things that probably made him fucking insane.

His time at Camp Half-Blood had been spent in hopes of figuring it out, finding others who shared his experiences, finding out how to quiet the voices. But he never found anything but a way to train until he was too tired to listen to them.

Was it the wizarding blood mixing with Apollo's? Was it both mixing with what mortals called psychics? Was it all just in his fucking mind?

Whistle, whistle, dark and cold whistle, gravestones and blood dripping into the soil

They did sound like prophecies, sometimes, or small lines that could be from them. But they were never full prophecies and he wasn't the fucking oracle, so why would they have any business in his mind?

They made him miss the days when he had time to chase that Hecate girl around the castle and talk to Nico about reincarnation as if that had solved everything. But now he was chasing Malfoy because...well, he did find him hot like he had that girl, but that wasn't the main incentive to the chase, or at least not the incentive he would tell Nico about.

Nico wanted him to "save" Malfoy. He wanted him to bring him closer to the demigod world and further away from evil. But he never really saw evil in Malfoy to begin with, just the need to impress his dad that Nico also had.

He saw a lot of things in Malfoy that he saw in Nico. And those were the things that caught his attention the most, attracted him. But there was a reason he and Nico never got together. There just was no romance there, never, not even a little bit. They were as platonic as friends could get. But Malfoy was a different story.

Something about the way he acted gave Dominic butterflies. Good butterflies. Not the ones that made him sick whenever the voices started talking.

Among the stones of the damned, evil rises by the Ghost King's hand

Yeah, that shit definitely sounded like prophecy lines. And none of it sounded good.


Dominic finally found Malfoy alone after dinner one night, the newfound demigod wandering the castle well after he was allowed out of his dormitory. Dominic himself probably shouldn't have been there, probably should have been on the Argo, but as long as they didn't get caught who cared.

They caught each other's eyes and stopped in their tracks. Malfoy drew his wand, thought about it, put it away.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed.

Dominic crossed his arms. "I could ask you the same question."

Malfoy shook his head and continued on. Dominic grabbed his arm before he could go far, felt those butterflies fly around his stomach.

"Wait, I wanted to talk to you."

Malfoy pulled his arm away. "Is that why you've been stalking me?"

Dominic rubbed his fingers where his skin had momentarily met Malfoy's. "You noticed."

"Yeah, I noticed. Fucking mudblood."

Dominic rolled his eyes. "Please, find a new insult. One your daddy didn't teach you."

Malfoy drew his wand and held it to Dominic's neck. He would have been scared but that pale hand was shaking.

"What do you want?"

Dominic moved his fingers to Malfoy's but didn't move the wand. "Keep that pointed at me if it makes you feel better, but we both know you're not going to do anything with it."

"What do you want?!"

"To save you!"

"From what? What do I need saving from?"

"Yourself. Your father. Voldemort. Everything Nico has needed saving from."

Loss of a brother, loss of another,

The Ghost King falters

(Later that night he'd remember what he heard, would be sick at what those words could mean, would finally start to think of them as prophecies. But in the moment all he could think about was the boy before him)

"Can we just talk?" Dominic asked. "I just want to talk. Hopefully somewhere besides a hallway we could be found in any second."

Malfoy glared him down before slowly lowering his wand. "I don't need saving."

"Let's just talk," Dominic pleaded.

They both looked over at the sound of far off footsteps. No doubt it was some teacher that heard Malfoy's yelling, and the last thing either of them needed was Snape or McGonagall finding them there.

"Fine," Malfoy hissed. "Let's get out of here."

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