Chapter 15

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Nico woke up on Christmas morning wrapped around his boyfriend, his face buried in Will's shoulder and all his muscles relaxed. Warm. He was so warm.

For the few seconds he remained half asleep and half awake, his body was at peace. Then his mind dragged itself out of its sleepy shell and his muscles tensed with stress again.

But today was Christmas. He was on the Argo II, he was with Will, today was going to be okay.



His mark was there and burning strong.



Nico laid his head on Will's chest and listened to his heart until he woke up. That constant beating, the sound of life. It was what his boyfriend stood for and it was what he stood for.

"Nico?" Will whispered. "You awake?"

Nico nodded, not moving his head. The noise of Will's life still going was everything. It was his favorite Christmas present. "Have been for a little bit."

Will ran his fingers through Nico's hair. "We should get up sometime."

Nico groaned. "I know. Just five more minutes."

Five minutes. Then ten, then twenty. Finally, Will sat them both up himself. "Neeks, we can't sleep all day."

Nico frowned. "I wasn't sleeping."

"Fine," Will corrected. "We can't lay around all day."

Nico pulled himself off of Will and stretched. Anubis was grumbling in his sleep nearby, maybe at the foot of the bed or towards the door.

"What are the plans?" Will asked. "Besides the ball tonight."

"Um... presents, eat food...what else is there? A mid-afternoon dance?"

Will kissed his cheek. "Smartass."

Nico leaned into his touch before looking down at the presents. Anubis had curled himself around them, using the one from Mrs. Weasley as a pillow. He never got rid of that sweater like Ron, no, he looked forward to receiving it. The love.

"You know, I still wonder how you just brought a hellhound into Hogwarts," Will said as he caught sight of Anubis.

"Half hellhound," Nico corrected. "He can pass off as a regular dog. Nobody says anything so he stays."

Will pet Anubis with his foot. "Even if they did, I can't see you getting rid of him."

"Never," Nico agreed. "If I survive all this, he'll come with me to wherever the hell I go from here. I can't stay at Hogwarts forever. Or Camp Half-Blood, for that matter."

"But you'll stay with me," Will assured. "We'll stay together. Forever."

Nico looked down at his lap. "We might die long before then."

"I know. But then we'll be together in the Underworld. Now let's open our damn presents. It's Christmas."

Nico cracked a smile. "Together forever. That's a good Christmas gift."

"Just wait to see what I got you."


Most gifts were common. Books from Hermione, for example, or the sweater from Mrs. Weasley. They weren't unwanted, however. They were loved.

Then there were the other gifts. Hazel got him a photo album of little Nicole and the pictures he had let her take of them together. Annabeth and Percy, the same with their little Silena.

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