Chapter 6

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Nico was too used to detention for it to bother him much. If anything, it just gave him more time to himself to think things over, try to remember how his life ever turned into this. Voldemort was close to his mother...were they...?

The thought made him sick enough to almost throw up. The last thing he needed was to question who his father really was. Or Bianca's. She may have gotten into Camp Half-Blood and joined the Hunters of Artemis, but she was never claimed and he never saw her use any powers of Hades.

Oh fuck, he did not need this.

No gods came and said anything one way or another. Hecate didn't speak in his mind. She hadn't since he got that Death Mark on his arm. Even Persephone had nothing to say. Whether they thought he was stupid for even thinking about it or didn't want to tell him the truth, he'd never know. All he did know was that there were more serious things to worry about.

Like the upcoming war, his help in the end of his mother's old friend, Harry's potential death, the demigods coming to Hogwarts and his two worlds colliding.

Detention wasn't enough time to think about it all.

In Moody's class, they were learning to fight the Imperius curse. Nico watched his fellow Hufflepuffs go up one by one, watched their weakness to it and the insane things Moody had them do. When it was finally Nico's turn to go up, he wasn't sure what to expect when the curse was landed on him. But what he didn't was the peace and lightness that suddenly enveloped him.

Jump onto the desk . . . jump onto the desk. . . . Moody's voice echoed in his mind, made him want to do the action immediately. But Nico went up against Hades multiple times, used to decline Voldemort every night. He had the ability to stand up against Moody.

He stood there, unmoving, despite how many times the command was spoken into his ear. Jump onto the desk . . . jump onto the desk. . . . He didn't move an inch.

The curse was lifted off him after some time. The class was silent, and Moody didn't take his gaze off him.

"Mr. you have experience with the Imperius curse?" Moody asked. There was something in his eyes that Nico didn't like, something he didn't trust.

"No, sir." Nico rubbed at his Dark Mark as it started to ache uncontrollably. "I'm just strong-willed."

"Many strong-willed wizards and witches fall victim to it." Moody looked him over once more before clearing his throat. "Sit, Weasley. You have peers who haven't had their turn yet."

Nico reluctantly sat back by his things, his gaze never leaving Moody's face as the old teacher called up the next Hufflepuff to participate. He was questioning why Nico didn't respond, but nobody was questioning why a teacher was using an illegal curse on them.

Class was soon over and the rest of the day went by as normal. Nico found himself in his dreams again that night, watching as Voldemort croaked orders from an old chair in an abandoned house. Wormtail was there again, begging, pleading, gasping in fear. It made Nico sick to think about.

"Wormtail, be gone," Voldemort ordered. "I need to speak to my boy alone."

My boy. If Nico was awake, he really would have puked.

Wormtail shuffled out of the room with some sort of limp, leaving Nico alone to stare at the rising dark lord.

"Nico, I have a task for you," Voldemort smiled. "And you will do it."

Nico tried to speak but couldn't. He never could in demigod dreams.

"Put Harry Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire," Voldemort ordered. "I need you to make sure he's chosen. Label him as from another school, just incase. Get him in that tournament."

Nico frowned, remembering why the tournament had been banned so many years in a row. The death rate...

"Do this, if you're really on my side. Do this."

Nico couldn't speak his affirmation but sent the confirmation through their link.

"Good...very good..." Voldemort hissed. "I will know if you fail me, Hades spawn. I will know. My empousa are on the lookout for the likes of you."

Nico remembered the time not too many years before when he was attacked by such creatures. He could still remember their claims at a new master, their fire and their talons and the way they felt racking against his chest.

"There has been a minor setback in the plans, however," Voldemort continued. "Other demigods will be joining the ranks in Hogwarts this year. It will be your job to keep them from ruining my plans. These are my orders, Nico di Angelo: get Harry in that tournament. Get him to the end. I will take it from there."

The dream evaporated after those last words, and Nico's eyes sprang open in that dark dormitory. He needed to keep doing Voldemort's bidding, had to keep at it if he was going to destroy him from the inside out as planned. Which meant...poor Harry...

Persephone, are you there? Persephone had been in his mind ever since she had blessed him, this blessing the only reason he was still able to go at it today. His powers had been feeding on his lifeforce too much. I need someone to talk to. Please.

It was silent for some time. Nico didn't think she was going to answer at all, but finally, her words came through.

I am here, Nico, but I may not be able to help you much.

He sighed in relief. Persephone...I'm my father's son, right?

He could hear her laughs shake at his mind. You really thought you weren't? I thought you were smarter than that, boy.

Nico rolled his eyes. I was just making sure.

Voldemort thinks you may be his, has some hope. But you are not, I can assure you. But he wants you to be.

Nico's face screwed up in disgust. So he and my mother...


Does Hades know?

I'm afraid so.

That's disgusting. Nico sat up in bed and surveyed the room around him. I have to enter Harry in the tournament, don't I?

That is your decision, Nico. Whatever you think is best. But you know better than anyone how to be the traitor. You know what's most important in this line of work.

Nico scowled. Shut up.

I'm listing your strengths, what you need to be the kind of hero you are, Persephone said. You are not Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. You're Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, Hufflepuff. Own who you are, Nico.

And who I am is a traitor.

Persephone didn't answer again, and she didn't need to.

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