Hermoso : BNHA Boys x Latinx!reader

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Author's Note:

Hello! Just wanted to say thanks for requesting! I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I am in fact Latina myself! Sadly, I'm not fluent in Spanish (I mean, I can kinda understand it when it's spoken, but even then it's ehh). Sooo I hope I was able to do this one well! Tell me if there are any glaring issues! I'm generally not very comfortable with doing racially specific readers, but I decided to give this one a go since I have a teeny bit of background in this.

Ignore how I kinda slacked on Shouto's and popped off on Bakugou's ヽ(。_°)ノ

Anyway, enjoy! Mwah!


Warnings: My very limited knowledge of bilingual people and also the Spanish language as a whole :I Also Bakugou is back to saying many no no words

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Characters: Bakugou, Todoroki, Kaminari

Characters: Bakugou, Todoroki, Kaminari

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● Alright, so let's say you've got a crush on Katsuki

● But who doesn't? *ahem ahem*

● He's just so handsome?? And low key kinda cute too, when he's not making his crankypants frowny face

● It gets to the point where you toy with the nickname in your head, thinking about cupping his soft cheeks in your hands and murmuring it to him. Hermoso

● Aaand then one day, it slips out. Shoot

● He kinda makes a face at you, just a little confused

● He doesn't speak Spanish, right? So you're okay, right?

● But then it happens again. And later again a third time

● Hopefully he doesn't notice your flustered state each time it happens. For all he knows, it could be casual, right?

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