Flower Crowns : Katsuki Bakugou

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Author's Note:

Whaddaya know, it's more fluff.

So this is the first time I've really written for Bakugou. I tried to get his character right, so I hope I did a decent job. Anyways, since it's him, there are some no-no words in this chapter, so that's your warning.




You chewed on your lip, glancing down at the contact photo of your boyfriend, who cockily smirked up at you from your phone. An idea had crossed your mind as you laid on your bed, bored out of your mind in your room.

"Screw it," you muttered to yourself.

You tapped on the textbox and asked him the question that had been on your mind for the past five minutes.

Sparky Sparky Boom Boom BF 💖💖💖

Wanna hang out?  :(Y/N)

Katsuki:  Sure

                    What do you want to do?

Well, if you don't want to come, you don't  :(Y/N)

have to, its not exactly your type of date               

Katsuki:  Just tell me what it is

I was going to go to the park and maybe make flower crowns  :(Y/N)

              Wondered if you wanted to tag along             

Katsuki:  You're right its not my thing

                    . . . I'll see you in ten

Thanks babe!! 😊😘❤️  :(Y/N)

Katsuki:  Whatever dumbass

You rolled your eyes at his response to you as you swung your feet over the side of your bed. It was the middle of summer and you made sure you took advantage of the heat as an excuse to wear minimal clothing around your boyfriend. Today that meant denim booty shorts and a flattering white tank top.

You made your way out the door with only your phone and a picnic blanket, walking to the park that was located a few blocks away from your house. When you arrived, you laid out your blanket a few meters away from a little playground. It was a gorgeous day out, so you weren't surprised to see a couple of kids running around the equipment, some bored parents accompanying them by sitting on benches positioned in the shade.

You sat down on your blanket, leaning back on your hands as you basked in the mottled sunlight under a tree, patterns of shadows flickering across your legs and chest. While you waited for your boyfriend, who lived considerably further from the park, you watched the children play. As they laughed, you remembered yourself playing on the very same playground with some of your friends you'd had in elementary school. The sudden sense of cold, bittersweet nostalgia filled your senses, shocking you by making your chest tighten a bit.

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