Cuddles and Covers : Eijirou Kirishima

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You sighed contentedly as you buried your face into the crook of your boyfriend's neck. The two of you had just finished watching a horror movie and were now snuggled up on the couch. The darkness of the room pressed around you, lit only by the soft glow of the TV. It was late; probably past eleven, and you could feel your body ache for the repose of sleep.

Kirishima pulled your soft blanket up to your shoulders and held you close again, his strong arms wrapping around your back as you basked in each other's warmth. You removed your face from his neck and slid your cheek down to rest against his chest, his heart now steadily thumping against your ear. Soothed by its constant rhythm, you felt your eyelids begin to grow heavy.

"Are you getting tired, baby?" Kirishima asked, noticing the peaceful expression spreading across your face.

"Mhm," you mumbled, not wanting to break your sleepy trance.

"How about we get to bed then?"

You began to shift, moving to get up.

"No, no." Kirishima stopped you, keeping you still. "Here." He picked you up, holding you princess style as he made his way to your room, ensuring you were pressed against him at all times.

The two of you were already more or less in your pajamas, having had the day off to hang around the house. Kirishima gently laid you on the bed, bringing himself back to your side as he pulled blankets around your shoulders. He smirked to himself, seeing you peacefully dozing off wrapped in blankets. The redhead decided to make a game out of it, wrapping you in as many blankets as he could find, even going as far as getting out of bed and wandering around the house looking for spare blankets. Once satisfied that he had located every blanket under your roof, Kirishima admired his work. He couldn't help but giggle a little at your comically over-blanketed sleeping form. Maybe you owned too many blankets.

His sweet laughter accompanied by a sense of being a little too warm stirred you from your nap. You blearily opened your eyes, finding yourself crushed under layer upon layer of fabric. "Eijirou," you sighed.

"This is important."

"Now I'm too hot."

"You're always hot, babe."


He laughed again, pulling his shirt over his head and then adding it to your blanket pile as a final accent to his work. He then joined you in your cover mountain, pressing his cool chest to your body, heat radiating up into your face from under the blankets.

You nuzzled your face into him, trying to relieve yourself from some of the abundant warmth that was now enveloping your body. "Why did you do this exactly?" you asked him.

"I told you, it was important."

"We're both going to wake up sweating in less than an hour."

"So? We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

You breathed in his scent, trying to hug him impossibly close to you. He wrapped his arms around you in response, giving you a tight squeeze back.

"I love you," you whispered into him, furrowing your brow as you tried to put all the meaning into the simple yet powerful phrase that you could.

"I love you too."

You drifted back off to sleep, and Kirishima followed suit soon after. The feeling of your bodies pressed together, your legs intertwined filling you with sweet contentment.


You awoke to the sensation of lips pressed against yours, your lashes fluttering open to see red tufts of hair before closing again.

"Eijirou," you whispered into his mouth, savoring the sweet flavor of his name on your tongue.

"That's me," Kirishima replied, his voice husky from sleep. You loved it when he sounded like that; deep and gravely, like milk and honey were flowing from his chest into your ears.

Remembering the blanket situation from the night before, you pulled away, glancing down at yourself. Seeing a relatively sane amount of blankets over you, you peeked over the bed. You saw them in a heap on the floor and briefly wondered who had tossed them over the side before having your face cupped and gently guided back towards Kirishima's.

Your lips met again, sloppily partaking in the other's essence. One arm slung around his neck, you ran your other hand down his chest to rest against his sternum. You moved down to kiss his jawline, then his neck, your sweet kisses growing faster and more desperate as you further awoke, peppering every available inch of exposed skin in a flurry of kisses. Kirishima caressed your body as you busied yourself, sliding his hands up and down your back soothingly under your tank top. You sucked a little at his collarbone, allowing your tongue to poke out and tickle his skin. Smiling against him, you worked your way back up to his jaw, pushing yourself up a little so you could reach his forehead before dipping back down to meet his lips once again.

You were quiet together for a few moments, allowing your mouths to crash together, the only sound in the room being little wet noises as you enjoyed each other. Your tongues swirled together, exploring their territory. Yours experimentally ran over the little points of Kirishima's teeth. It was difficult for you to care too much that he tasted of morning; you couldn't be much better. You instead reveled in the tingly bolts of electricity shooting through your chest, your cheeks burning even though this was no new endeavor for the both of you.

The two of you broke apart, catching your breaths as you looked into each other's eyes. Kirishima brought up a hand to caress your cheek. "You're so beautiful. I want you to know that."

Your cheeks burned a little more intensely, your mind starting to wander to thoughts of denial.

"Hey." Kirishima rubbed little circles on your cheek with his thumb. "I know what you're thinking. I wouldn't lie to you. I love you too much." He pulled you into another quick kiss. "You're gorgeous," he whispered in your ear. "Don't you ever doubt it."

You sighed against your pillow, deciding it was too early for denial and insecurities. Maybe just this once you would entertain the possibility . . . it would be nice.

The two of you held each other for several more minutes. You were suspicious that Kirishima had fallen back asleep, but a part of you didn't care. You maneuvered yourself so you could lie atop his chest, pressing the side of your head into him so you could hear his heartbeat in one ear and his steady breaths in the other. Maybe you would stay like this for a little longer . . . .




Your eyes drifted shut again, lulled by the steady rhythms of your boyfriend. If only you could make this moment last forever . . . .

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