Anything For You

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Author's Note:

Hi! Guess who's back from the dead in time for Halloween! I've been taking quite the break from writing reader inserts (as you can probably tell), but I'd like to get back into it! I'm planning on doing a Fluffvember event (you can find the list of prompts on my Tumblr, linked in my about me section on my page here, or just go to sugarmaplewings-fics if you'd like to vote, today's the last day!). I've missed writing for other people, but I've also been enjoying writing for myself. Which is what I've been doing. All this to say, I'm trying to get back into things, at least for a little while. My senior year of high school has been a lot less stressful and chaotic than I thought it would be, so I'd like to take the time to do some more with this book!

Anyway, I'm rambling again 😅 Thanks for sticking around and reading! I love you all! Happy Halloween!


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sometimes Tamaki regretted the fact that he would do anything for you.

Seriously, even getting him to come to this party had been quite the stretch for him. Just the thought of all those people around him made his knees begin to quake and his stomach clench. But it was Halloween, and you wanted to go out and have fun. Maybe, he'd reasoned, having you at his side would make it a little less unbearable, and so far, that was the case.

The party was in an open area outside, and speakers played bass-boosted music that a crowd of teenagers danced to. Many of them were in costume, making it hard to pick out familiar faces from those that weren't.

You had also chosen to come to this party dressed up for the occasion. Your costume was simple; just a cat ear headband and some face paint. It wasn't your actual costume, more of a placeholder so you could come to the party and dance around as you pleased. Tamaki still thought you looked cute, and shakily voiced it on the way there. You grinned at his compliment and thanked him, only making his cheeks heat up that much more.

Now you were standing together near the edge of the crowd, sipping at age-appropriate drinks as you looked around at the other activities. Tamaki was doing considerably well, clutching your hand for comfort as he waited for a verdict on what you wanted to do. As long as no one looked at the two of you for too long, Tamaki was able to feel more or less okay.

"I heard they had a haunted house," you said, checking your boyfriend's face to gauge his reaction. "Those are pretty fun."

His eyebrows drew together and his lips curled a bit. He looked from you to the ground and then at the building which must have housed the attraction. "I-is that what you want to do?" he asked, his voice quiet and shaky.

You gave him the smallest sympathetic turn-down of your lips. You knew it was already asking a lot of him to come to this party with you. "I would like to. We don't have to do anything you really don't want to do. I could even go by myself—"

His indigo eyes snapped back to meet yours. "I don't want you to be alone," he said.

You stroked your thumb over the side of his hand; a gesture you knew he loved. "It would be okay. I would like you to come with, but if you're uncomfortable, I understand."

Tamaki swallowed and looked back to the festively decorated building. This would be good practice, he told himself. He could try stepping a little out of his comfort zone more, especially if it was for you.

He squeezed his eyes shut and nodded. "I'll go."

You smiled softly up at him, wrapping one arm around him in a half hug. "Thanks," you whispered, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

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