↬ background gifs

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today we shall discuss:

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today we shall discuss:

(edit made by oxylovecolorings on weheartit)

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(edit made by oxylovecolorings on weheartit)

background gifs

as you can see in the example above, the background of the edit is a gif of television static/noise.

although my skills aren't as advanced as this obviously superior editor, this tutorial can hopefully help you on how you can add gifs in the background using mobile apps.

for this edit, you will require the assistance of:
i. gif maker-editor (or any substitute that offers the same features)

let's begin ::

¹; make your edit

make your edit (minus the text your want to add). remember to leave gaps that are transparent for your gif/gifs.

I've left two bc I wanted to add two gifs (one background and one of hobi)

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I've left two bc I wanted to add two gifs (one background and one of hobi)

also rip myself for not finishing this on hobi's bday-

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