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Taehyung and Hoseok were in a good relationship. But then the misunderstandings....broke them apart. They both went on their different parts. But they are still single as they both still love eachother.

Their friend circle is same. Jungkook, jimin, yoongi , taehyung, and hoseok.

This is the friend circle.

These three means jungkook jimin and yoongi likes to party alot.

After Taehyungs breakup... they didnt met togeather but tonight jimin insisted all of them for the party in club, getting drunk whole night

All of them agreed but obv hoseok and taehyung werent. But as we know, jimin was the one who was talking to them so in last Taehyung and Hoseok both gave up and then went to the party.


Jimin, jungkook and Yoongi got drunk after many shots. Taehyung and Hoseok dont likes to drink that much. They were sitting on a sofa Jungkook, jimin and Yoongi on one big one and Hoseok and Taehyung infront of eachother but avoiding to see eachother faces.

They were talking, laughing, smiling, drinking a little but not that much.

In a minute Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi stood up and started walking to the dance floor.

In a minute we saw that Yoonmin were dancing togeather, getting all horny between the dance floir. Jungkook was dancing like whole a messy person.

Jungkook is still single but he have a big crush on Taehyung. After he heard that he broke up with Hoseok, his hopes got high

In the mean time when Those three were dancing...hoseok and tae talked.

"Hey where is your boyfriend?" hoseok said

"I dont have a boy friend" Tae replied
Looking away from him.

"Oh really? Then that means at that day you slept with the random person?" Hoseok Said.

Taehyung got angry and gritted his teeth "i didnt Hoseok. And i dont care what you think anymore. You didnt let me explain myself. But if the reason of our breaking up is that YOU THINK that i slept with someone even if i didnt then i am gonna make rhis happen so our breakup will have a reason and will do what you THOUGHT about me" Taehyung said and Hoseok stopped talking scoffing at his comment.

Taehyung drank 3 shots togeather. He never did that because he dont like it. Hoseok was watching him closely that what he is doing. He was a little worried because he still love him and he never drink like this.

Taehyung stood up tripping on his feet but then got his balance and starts walking to the dance floor.

There he saw Jungkook and back hugged him putting his hands on his hands while his chin on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook was surprised and happy that Taehyung was touching him alot closely. Taehyung slowly started travelling his hands to Jungkook length and started rubbing it on a low pace. Jungkook felt so good, he let out a little moan and throw his head back on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Looks like someone is enjoying hmm?" Taehyung said in a low husky voice in Jungkook's ear and A rush through went down his spine. When Jungkook didnt answer so Taehyung started to rub his length more quickly and strated pressing Jungkook on his length making Jungkook going wild and he moan a little more this time. Taehyung didnt stopped and cintinued what he was doing.

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