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Me and Hobi....are now husbands actually

We love eachother alot....

We both met eachother when we werent in good terms...

We were broke, the small boys who ran away from thier families.

We didnt had any place to live and at that time we met.

We stayed by eachother's side and thats how we fell in love....behind the trees when the full moon was shining. The first kiss we shared.

We didnt wasted any other minute and got married in court....

Its true we didnt celebrate it because our position was worse than you can  think.

But he made it up to me...after the wedding....

We both climbed up the mountain when the full moon was shining...

The beautiful stars shining through the whole black sheet of night.

And there we danced...

His touch made me realxed at the moment...made me forget that the problems are still around us

We were so broke, we barely ate...

But we enjoyed our life as the way we were able.

And i never ever left him for that.


Jungkook is an angel.
He was with me when we were going to give up on our lives.

But he told me that he just loves me.

Just his lips are enough to forget everything


The life changed

We arent those broke boys anymore

I....actually started my own bussiness.

And now i am giving my baby the whole life he deserve.

We bought a cat too.. we named her Kookie.

And now my baby is the owner of the company...i gave him everything he deserve.

He just struggled with me for freaking 7 years and now i gave him my all to him.

He is the owner of my everything

My heart
My eyes
My lips
My bussiness
My cat
Everything is his

He is so special to me

There are small cute fights

But we dont ever forget what we went through

His heart is so pure that he still takes me to up to the roof to see the stars we used to. And dance togeather in the dim light of moon

Its always remind us are bad days...and we smile we are now so good

I am just so lucky to have him by myside

No matter how much a strong person i am, i am just too small to bare all of the pain

I fake it because i want to look strong to the world.

Its just...its just

My baby is the only thing i need all the time now

I always give my all attention to him whenever he needs

Whenever he wants kisses

Now we enjoy our lives like the way we deserved...

Far away from the toxic family, fake friends, two faced peoples.

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