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I work in a tattoo shop.
Lots of customers come and made us to tattoo there idk so many part of them.

I like tattoos alot from the start of my life.

I had always wanted to get the tattoo and now i have....

A tatto of 'NEVER MIND' on my front abs on the left corner.

And my back is full of tattoos going up to my neck...

Some customers try to hit on me as i am still single but i havent seen anyone of my type yet...until today...

I saw him....

He came and walked towards me to get the tattoo...

Just his body figure is fine to take my breath away...and he looks really hot.

"Hello...." he said.

Oh fuck.....his deep.....

"Hi" i replied back....closing my mouth and licking my dry lips.

"I am here for this tattoo" he said and showed me the picture...

"I am here for this tattoo" he said and showed me the picture

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It was a simple tattoo but attractive one...

"Ok. Have you ever got a tattoo before?" I asked....

He smiled and looked down

"Well wanna see?" He said with a smirk on his face...

"Never mind...tell me where do you want the tattoo to be?" I asked...

"For that, i still have to take off my shirt" he said with the smirk....

"Ok then remove it" i said boldly.

He smirked and turned around removing his shirt.....

Exposing his back tattoo.........

And holy fuck....

What a breath taker....he is making me feel numb....

His tattoo coming outside from the black skinny jeans he was wearimg which was going to his neck...and istg this was the first time my breath hitched because of someone's tattoo....

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