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Me and Jungkook has been in a good relationship. A relationship of 3 years....

We love eachother alot....



He is keeping a distance with me....

He is being awkward.....

He dont let me touch him....

And this is making me sad.....

I want to know whats the reason that he has started to hate me...or he has find someone better....probably...

But why he is hurting me this badly?he knows that i love him...

I was on my bed with fever with no blanket up on me....becausee all i want a little bit attention from my love. But thats not happening. He isnt noticing.

The door opened of the bedroom i looked their...

He usually on his phone after changing his workimg suit ...he came straight to the bed....

"Move a little Jimin" he said....

I didnt...because i felt my body too heavy to move....

I felt my everything just too hevay to move or say something...

"Jimin. I said move" he again said....

Even tho i wanted to shout on him...but i wasnt able.....

"JIM-" he looked at me...and stop.

"What happen...why your eyes are so red?" He asked...i didnt answered but he seems like not caring about anything.

Then he put his hand on my head to check my body temperature.

"Shit Jimin....you arr like on fire. Stand up we are going to the doctor" he said putting his phone back to his pocket.

"I dont want to go to the doctor"

"Jimin. For fuck sake. You are going to die if you wont stand up riggt now and see a doctor" he saif almost scolding.

"Who cares?"


"I said who cares if i breath or not?"

"Jimin are you loosing your mind?"

"Oh...then tell me the name who cares Jungkook?"

"You sounds like you dont have a boyfriend"

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAID? Do you think just telling people ',i am taken' is enough for me? Literally from 5 weeks you are avoiding me. Calling texting and smiling on phone. Whenever i try to come near you, you always say "i am busy" tell me the last time we fucked Jungkook? Tell me the last time when we went on a date? Tell me the last time we exchanged gift? Tell me the name of the boy you like come on. Say it"  i let it out...all

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