we are never ever getting back togeather

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Jungkook's Pov

No no no. U wanna talk about me? Srsly? What do u wanna hear from me? That i fell in love with someone whom i knew wont ever be in my life?

If u wanna hear..

So let me speak now and dont stop untill i finish.

Me Jeon Jungkook.
Fell in love with his bully who was the play boy.

He was quite but his actions and personality speaks up for me.

His black hairs making him stand like he is innocent but he is a bully.

He bullies me bites me and chokes me but still lets me be alive..

I knew if i will let him know that i love him, he will make fun of me so i decided to tell him in another way

I started putting love chits in his locker...

And yk what?

At first he used to throw it away but i didnt stopped

And then after 1 month of sending him chits like that, finally i made him smile over a chit... And now this time he didnt threw it away, he put it in his pocket

And then it continues like that...

One day i was putting it again in his locker that i found  a note for me

"Turn around" i turned around and then my mind didnt worked.

Infront of me

He pushed me against his locker

And hold my face tightly

"U r the bitch?" He asked...

My tears started to corner up in my eyes..

"How a stupid person like u can be in love with me hmm even knowing i wont love the stupid person like u back huh?" He scoffed.

"Yoo.. Yoongi lis" i tried to speak but he spanked my lips with his hand

"Dont take my name from ur dirty mouth" he said

Then he losen his grip on me and then left me standing 4 feets away from me

"Stop wasting ur time. Try to be muture first" and with that he left

He is right.

2 years

Author's pov

Everyone and everything changed

But the destiny made them meet eachother again

But with different stauts

Jungkook. He is in Arts now
Drawing is his profession he loves drawing more then he loves himself
But his body ow itself is an Art

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