Chapter 12

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Again, thank you for reading this far. I understand that my story kind of turned...weird. but that's how I am! Haha, well, just wait and see what happens in this chapter *nudge nudge wink wink* xD

But comment on your feelings! Give suggestions! ( i don't guarentee that I'll use them, but I may try....depending) Again, I feel like dedicating this chapter to rain_water for staying through this ^^ Thank you so much! I hope you like my story a lot. I've been busy, I don't think I'll be uploading soon. I feel like these last few chapters were that may be why it turned out the way it did...

MUSIC: Relient K- let it all out

PICTURE: RIN in human FOR ONCE. It's been awhile since I got to his character....this is after Mark started to pick Rin's clothes for him and why Emily and such were suddenly attracted to him x3



After the little incident I had on the school grounds outside, I was sent to the hospital to be checked up on, but soon I left and returned home, only to be greeted by Mark himself on my front porch steps. His grin widened but faded a little at the sight of my pale body. I would've been either way; I hadn't been outside in those weeks I stayed away from other human life. He slapped me on the back fairly but not aggressively, one thing I liked Mark for as I unlocked the door, standing aside to let him pass through the doorway. I certainly didn't want him to come into the house, it was a wreck, but I didn't want to be rude also. Sighing, my legs carried me where my heart wouldn't taking me towards the kitchen and grabbing what food was in the fridge and passing a yogurt cup to Mark. He frowned at it but opened it, slurping it into his mouth. It must have been outdated or sour, because his face screwed up, his nose scrunched and I couldn't help but chuckle. He looked cute like that.

I looked away quickly before any stupid thoughts could go through my head. I didn't take anything to eat, m stomach couldn't hold that much food, especially now that I wasn't feeling good. Makr seemed to notice this, a small frown and noise of disappointment leaving his lips as he sat hinself down on the kitchen table, half leaning on it, half sitting on it. Eventually, he gave in, laying right on the table without a care. He must have noticed all lack of adult presence. He raised his body from the table, lifting himself up partially with his elbows. Damn, Mark looked great in his skinny jeans and loose fitting, long sleeved shirt. Before I could peel my eyes away from staring lovingly at his body, our eyes connected and I looked away, turning back into the kitchen before he could notice the blush covering my face. How can I blush so easy from things?

My ears picked up the noise of Mark walking across the distance between us, his arms wrapping around my waist as he pressed his chest against my back. I could feel the beating of his heart as mine fluttered from embarrassment. I covered my face with my hands, hiding my flustered look. Mark took this as a good sign and hugged me tighter, resting his chin on my shoulder.

'You going to talk to me?" He whispered in my ear. I shook my head and tried to get away from his tight grip. Sadly, it was a lost cause as I only ended up looking up at Mark, a few tears buliding up in my eyes. No, you can't cry in front of Mark again. He smiled a little sadly but looked down at me with happiness glistening in his beautiful eyes. "Rin, you're going to have to talk sometime..." He leaned down and rested his forehead on mine, making neither of us see each others faces. I took the chance when he loosened his hold to escape his grip. Without a chance to full get away though, Mark grabbed my wrist and pulled me up the staircase to my room. I grunted as a retort, not wanting to talk yet, but it didn't seem to help any. Mark pulled me to my room, shoving me inside and turning around to lock the door. He turned back around, shadows hiding his face but a smile peeped out from the darkness that enveloped my room. What he was thinking, I wasn't exactly sure, but suddenly he began advancing towards me, his footsteps echoing in the room. I walked backwards, only to be met up with the wall and he walked right up to me, his face unreadable as he pulled up a huge grin. I blushed from how close he as, I could feel his breath on my nose. Suddenly he leaned in close.

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