Chapter 18

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ALRIGHTY. Please vote, comment your thoughts so far (like if you still don't know what the whole disease/cancer thingy is) and what you think going on, what's gonna happen and all that BEFORE you read the chapter. THEN at the end, write how you felt AFTER reading this chapter! And something tells me...I haven't done enough research on this sorry for any wrong factors if there is any ^^"


I'm here .-. Lol I have a weird mind. Enjoy the new chapter!~ Oranges for EVERYONE :D Cause in case you haven't noticed...I love oranges



Mark sighed, knowing that the mall gates were not the best place to talk about this non-Hodgkin lymphoma Nial had. mark rubbed his eyes, then his whole face, weary and concerned about the situation we were in. He stood, motioning to Nial. I took Nial up in my arms this time, attracting attention as Nial continued to cough while Mark lead the way back to our ride home. Impatient, I sped up my pace a little, hoping Nial would be ok with how horribly I held him.

Finally, we reached the car and Mark opened the side door for me to put Nial down. The seats connected in the middle, I felt the need to lay the boy down, which I did, fastening the seat belts in a style that may be uncomfortable but would hold him there.

Slamming the door shut and piling back into the car, mark's hands held the steering wheel as thoughit was his life itself. he took in calming breaths, slowly letting them out.

"Don't you know anything? Idiot..." Mark let out an airy laugh, resting his head on the steer wheel for a few minutes before finally saying, "It's a type of cancer."

I gasped, the air seeming to want to explode my lungs. I looked back to Nial, who was breathing heavy. Mark sighed again, turning the key and starting up the car. Mark turned to Nial, throwing my sweater which I had unwrapped from around my waist and throwing it over Nial's shaking body. Stressed, mark continued to rub his temples and pinch the bridge of his nose before hiding his face again.

"As you can see some of it's symptoms..." I took a closer look and noticed that Nial's neck was beginning to swell, his face beet red as sweat pored down his face. Coughing, Nial choked for air when Mark finally revved the engine, pulling out of the parking lot quickly.

"We gotta get him to a hospital."


I sat on one end of the bed while Mark sat on the other with the nurse checking over his stats, repeating it over to us with a calm and reassuring voice. I zoned out completely, not hearing anything around me. Nial, now simply pale and breath deeply from an oxygen tank, looked peaceful as his chest rose and fell down beneath the blankets.

We'd contacted Aunty in the car, Mark doing the driving while I tried to explain where we were and which hospital we were at. Aunty arrived a long time ago, but again, I hadn't paid any attention to her. I was concentrated on Nial. Mark said something to me, first saying it from where he was sitting, then whispering the same words in my ear before the hollow echo of the door closing sounded, leaving me alone in the room with my dying friend.

Slowly, I took his hand, feeling how smooth and cold it was. Not having eaten enough because of the changes in his body, Nial was unfit and didn't even seem ready to face the outside world. Without Nial around, if another person I cared about died, I'm not sure what I would do-

"Rin!" I snapped my head up to the harsh voice, whipping my head to my left to see Aunty there, arms crossed, tapping her foot impatiently. A nurse stood with her, clipboard in hand and looking awkward.

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