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It is both a curse and a blessing,

to feel everything so very deeply.

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Ron's hands were shaking once he reached the third year's compartment. After talking to Harry for a while longer and telling him about his family, Ron finally got up and out in search for Rose.

He knew everyone who was inside it the small compartment. After all, Ron had spend part of the summer with them all.

Inside was Annie, a girl who Ron knew was in Hufflepuff, Lee Jordan, one of the twin's friends, the twins themselves, and over at the corner of the compartment, resting her legs on Fred's lap and her head on the window, was Rose.

Ron shakily slid the compartment door, clearing his throat and gaining everyone's attention. Rose smiled at the boy, the twins cocked up and eyebrow each. Ron was looking directly at Ron.

"Rose?" Ron said in a voice that was above a whisper. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Rose's face turned into one of concern, sharing a look with the twins, and standing up, stalking to were Ron was standing. Rose gave Ron a reassuring smile, telling him to follow her out.

The thin corridor was empty, so the could talk freely.

"Ronnie, are you alright?" Rose was quick to ask. "Did someone hurt you? Is someone trying to mess with you? Are you and Harry alright?"

Ron felt a warm in his chest at her concern, even more when he figured that she wanted to make sure that he was comfortable on his first day at Hogwarts.

"'m fine." Ron insisted, playing with his fingers.

"Then what is it?" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Ron liked it when Rose got worried about him, he liked it even more when she treated him as if he was her baby brother. Though he wasn't sure how Harry would respond to knowing that Rose had 'protective big sister instincts' on someone who wasn't him, so long Ron didn't think Harry would mind that much... maybe.

"Well you see," Ron started, scratching the back of his neck in the process. "Remember when mum told me to not tell Harry about you being his sister and all?"

"Yes?" Rose replied warrily, already knowing were the conversation was going.

"Well she didn't say anything about what would happen if he already knew, did she?" Ron said, meeting her eye. Rose's orange eyes widened in excitement.

"Does he know?" Rose asked eagerly.

Ron nodded his head. "He says he wants to talk to you, he asked if I could bring you there."

In reality, Rose felt happy that Harry knew. She thanked Merlin that Harry was smart enough to figure it out. Her and Ron walked into Harry's compartment, the latter instantly standing up from his seat. 

"You are my sister?" Harry asked, but it sounded more like a statement to Rose. 

"Yes." She answered, her heart beating out of her chest. 

Harry didn't waste a second, he had already wasted an hour, he ran up to Rose and engulfed her in the tightest hug of both their lives.  Rose was only was surprised for only a second, before hugging the young boy back with as much force.  

When they pulled back, Rose took the time to admire his face. She felt free to push back the hair from his forehead in order to watch the sinful scar. The scar was big and in the shape of lighting bold. 

Harry didn't flinch when she touched his face, because he was doing just the same. Her eyes were now a violet colour and her hair was the same shade of his. Harry admire the natural red of her cheeks, and how she wasn't that tall, she was as tall as Ron. 

Rose's face broke into a smile, as she kissed Harry's cheek lovingly. Harry beamed up at her, he felt loved. He felt as if he actually knew the girl standing in front of him. Everything about her eyes told Harry that she wasn't going to leave him, that she wasn't going to let him go to that awful place that is the Dursleys. 

So for the next hours, Harry, Rose, and Ron talked about everything, and anything. Rose told him loads of things about Hogwarts, and she told Ron how he shouldn't trust anything that the twins say. She told Harry that she was a Gryffindor, just like their parents. And she assured Ron that his family would love him equally, no matter what house he was in. 

Rose decided it was time to leave the two boys alone, who know? Maybe they end up being good friends in the future, just like her and the twins. 

She went back into her own compartment, giving a reassuring smile to the boys. Oh how excited she was to finally have her brother back. She knew that she would protect him at any cost, just like their parents protected them. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now