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The heart was made to be broken

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Between coming up with ideas for their potential joke shop, school work, and a mad quidditch schedule, courtesy of Oliver Wood, the twins and Rose barely had time to focus on other things. For the twins, it was pranking everyone they could. For Rose, it was finishing up the last details for her 'rejoining of society' party, which would happen the summer before her fifth year, preferably a couple of weeks before she started school again.  

"I'm dead," Rose sighed sarcastically one afternoon after she arrived to her dorm after quidditch practice, they were having a big match against Hufflepuff. The only one in the room was Amara Morgenstern, Rose's cousin, who was reading peacefully in her bed. 

"Well drink up some thing to wake you up, we've still got things to do," Amara said, putting her  book down and taking out a large list from one of her drawers. "We still have to choose the shoes, the jewelry, the hair, the make up," recited Amara. 

"Amara, can't we do that the day before the party?" Rose asked. 

"Nope," sang Amara. "We've got to do it now." 

"You do it then, I've got a big game tomorrow," Rose pointed out, getting out her sleeping gown and slipping into it. Rose didn't give Amara a chance to argue as the redhead fell lifelessly into bed, burying her head under her duvet. 

However, Rose's sleep wasn't a peaceful one, she dreamed about falling off her broom again, or getting hit by bludger on her old quidditch injury. She dreamed about losing the game, but even as she did, she saw her parents in the stands of every dream she had. When she lost, James and Lily were smiling sweetly at her and she got hurt, they were rushing over to her at full speed. But it was only a dream, and she would do well on remembering that. 

Rose woke up early the next morning, she had big black bags under her eyes and parted lips, her hair was a mess, but that could be fixed. She took a bath and tied her hair into two long braids with with a red and gold ribbon on the bottom. Her Gryffindor jumper, that barely fit her now that she was almost fifteen, hung around her arm since the May morning weather was warm enough for her to walk to the pitch in a simple white shirt. 

The team had a light dinner, Oliver Wood was cheery as usual, but Rose noticed the nervous look in his eyes that was barely noticeable unless you were examining him carefully. 

The team changed into their robes quickly, the twins cracking jokes and laughing, aiming to lift up the other's spirits. Angelina, Alicia and Rose were passing a quaffle around, aiming for a pre-game practice, when Oliver clapped his hands together, gaining the team's attention. 

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