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to shy to say, 

but I hope you stay

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"So you and Pucey?" Annie asked after Rose finished her explanation. 

"No," Rose clarified, she cleared her throat before continuing. "We're just friends." 

"Friends who snogged?" Annie questioned, a knowing look on her face. "Twice?"

"I don't even know why, Anne." Rose sighed as she walked down to the lake with her friend. "I don't know what to say to him." 

"Just answer me something, Ro, do you fancy Pucey?" Annie asked, a solemn expression on her face. 

Rose took a second to respond. "I-" She cleared her throat. "I don't know." 

"But Fred-" 

"Anne, could you please not do this right now?" Rose begged. "Fred is my best mate, I thought I fancied him but now I'm not sure about anything." 

"Alright, I'll drop the subject now." Annie said, folding her hands on her lap and staring at the lake. 

"Thank you." Rose whispered, not sure if Anne heard her. 

As Rose got lost in the sky, her thoughts flew all around her. Sometime, Rose wished she could just turn her mind and her emotions off, but she couldn't do that. So instead, she let her feelings run free, just enough time for her to figure them out. 

Rose knew that her and Adrian had something between them, but she couldn't. Adrian only knew apart of her, he knew the muggleborn Gryffindor metamorphmagus, he didn't know the elemental half-blood sister of Harry Potter. Even if he did know that part of her, Rose wasn't entirely sure if he would like it. She was dangerous, she knew that. Her temper was one not to be meddled with, literal fire ran through her veins. Her eyes were a reflexion to her most prized possession, her feelings. 

But Fred, oh Fred, he knew about her. He knew her secrets, he knew the dangerous it implied... yet he stayed right by her side. But everytime, Rose had the feeling she messed it up. She would always make him upset somehow, and she didn't like it. She didn't want him to leave, she didn't want him to run away, he wanted him to stay right by her side. 

"Rose?" Anne's voice broke the silence. Rose turned her face to her blonde friend, acknowledging her. Annie yerked her head on the direction of the school, signaling her friend to look behind her. 

Rose turned her head towards the direction Anne was suggesting, and sighed at the sight. George, Fred, Lee, Harry, Ron, a bushy first-year girl, and Percy were walking towards the two girls, the latter holding a letter on his hand. The girl, who'm Rose knew her name was Granger, was looking as if she was throwing a fit and as if she was about to explode from bad temper. 

Annie and Rose stood up, alarmed by what was about to happen. Rose, even if she told Annie everything about Adrian, didn't tell her about Harry. So Rose, nervous that Harry would run up to her and hug her, turned to Annie quickly. 

"Anne?" Rose began, the panic in her voice was strong. "Would you give us a minute?" 

"What?" Annie asked, clearly hurt and dubius. "But Harry Potter is coming our way! I want to meet him!"

"Anne we have to talk about a Gryffindor party we're throwing!" Rose lied quickly, the group was getting closer. "I promised I wouldn't spill the details, i'm sorry." 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now