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in his hesitation, 

she found her answer

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Rose almost stumbled backwards by the force of Avalon's voice. In her years of knowing him, she had never seen her cousin look so undeniably angry, the look in his eyes... they looked like hers'.

"What did you say?" Amara whispered. Rose turned to her, she could see how Amara was putting everything together, every single detail that everyone else had missed. She almost couldn't handle the look in her cousin's eyes; it was completely and utterly betrayed.

"I didn't mean..." Rose whispered, but her breath caught in her throat. She looked at Avalon again, he was glaring at her; if looks could kill, Rose would've been dead by now. His hands were shaking and a darkness that Rose had never seen hung at his sides. "Avalon..."

He didn't listen. In one quick moment, Avalon pulled out his wand and muttered a bondage spell on Rose's hands, keeping her tied up to one of the posters of the bed. She didn't have time to react, not even a second to fetch her wand or scream before he cast another spell and her wand flew into Avalon's open hand.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!" Rose reacted, screaming, pulling desperately at her hands.

Avalon said nothing, he looked at Adrian and nodded before rushing out of the room and out of Rose's sight. Adrian hung around a little longer, not nearly enough for Rose to say anything before he too, ran out.

"Amara," Rose mumbled desperately. Amara was standing beside the door, her wand in her hand. Rose couldn't read her expression. "Amara, take this rope off! They're going to kill Fred!"

"They won't kill him," Amara responded calmly, pulling her hair from her ponytail.

"They'll hurt him," Rose declared, the terror in her voice was more than obvious. Nonetheless, Amara didn't respond; she stared past Rose's eyes and through the window with the view to the bottom of the Black Lake.

"He deserves it," Amara shrugged, tearing her eyes away from the window and spinning on her heel.

"AMARA!" Rose screeched. It was no use; Amara didn't spare her a glance before darting out of the dorm too. "FUCK!"

Rose didn't have a wand, but it wasn't as if she ever needed one to get her out of trouble. It wasn't too hard, she concentrated on igniting her hands and melting the magical ropes that were keeping her in one place.

When they didn't burn at her first attempt, she thought Avalon might've thought ahead. Maybe he knew she would try to melt down her bondage. She was getting quickly frustrated; her lip was starting to taste like blood. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now