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choose your last words, this is the last time

'Cause you and I, we were born to die

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Rose was studying peacefully for her final exams when Harry Potter, her brother, came barging into the Gryffindor common room looking for her with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley in toe.

"Alright?" Rose smirked at her agitated brother, but her expression darkened as soon as she saw the scared expression on his face. "What happened? Is it Padfoot?"

"No," Harry shook his head vigorously, looking around and nodding to the boy's staircase. "Come up."

The red head sent a confused look to Ron and Hermione as they followed Harry up the boy's staircase, but neither of them seemed to care for her confusion for all they did was follow urgently after Harry.

Once they were inside Harry and Ron's dorm, the raven-haired boy collapsed in his bed with a sigh before sitting up quickly. "I saw something – well – Dumbledore showed me something."

"Spit it out, Harry," Hermione urged him, taking a seat in Ron's bed with her feet tucked under her.

Then Harry informed them about the trial of Barty Crouch Jr. and the others who tortured the Longbottoms into insanity. He also saw the interrogation of Igor Karkaroff and Ludo Bagman. Igor was naming fellow Death Eaters in an attempt to save his own skin and avoid imprisonment in Azkaban.

"What about the Morgenstern's?" Rose asked with wide eyes, her leg was shaking tremendously in fear for his answer. Harry only spared her a glance to shake his head as he turned back to his friends.

"Dumbledore reckons You-Know-Who is getting stronger again too?" Ron whispered, even if they were completely alone with the door shut. Harry nodded weakly, but Rose's head was spinning by then.

She blocked out the rest of the conversation as her own thoughts started spluttering in her mind; she should've known sooner. She had been warned by several people by then; McGonagall herself had told her to stop messing with things she wasn't supposed to, Rose was only in denial that something could happen under Dumbledore's protection. She should've known not even he could keep the devil out of Hogwarts; he had failed to do so for three years now.

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Adrian was supposed to be studying for his final exams which would end the day of the third task, but he was putting all his efforts into helping Rose prepare for the task. He showed her new hexes and curses he had learned from the book Rose had gifted him for Christmas and even helped her practice her elemental whilst putting up safety enchantments on the empty classroom they were working in case it spiralled out of control. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now