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Love someone who feels like home, 

and like an adventure all at once

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As Rose knew, hope was a dangerous thing to have. So, of course, when she stood over her cauldron hoping that she had gotten her potion right, her hands were sweating and her stomach was churning loudly. 

"Relax," Fred, from besides her with his own cauldron, whispered to her, sending her a subtle wink. "You've got it." 

Before the inspectors arrived, she took a deep breath and stirred a couple more times. Rose cleared her head and smiled at the inspectors, especially the one blonde inspector who grinned and leaned down.

"Smells spectacular," the inspector, who had a tag that said 'Alya' on her chest, said. "Chocolate and rainforest," she smiled, writing something down on her parchment. "Tell me, what does it smells to you, Miss Potter?"  

"Well," Rose began, clearing her throat nervously and looking sideways at Fred, who was also giving his own explanation. "I smell, something like warmth? Perhaps like a family? There's also gunpowder and cinnamon." 

Her mind seemed to work on her own as she slowly realized who's scent she was smelling. She locked eyes with Fred again, and her heart skipped a beat. 

"Brilliant, Miss Potter, thank you," Alya said, scribbling the last few bits on her parchment. "That will be all, you may step outside." 

Rose nodded nervously, quickly gathering her belongings and rushing towards the exit. Thankfully, George and Lee were already outside, both of them holding two mugs of steaming hot tea. 

"How'd you do?" George asked, handing Rose one of the mugs. 

"Alright, I reckon," Rose answered shakily, taking a sip form her tea. "I smelled what I supposed to, and so did the inspector. You?" 

"I'm certain I messed up my potion," Lee snickered, adjusting his bag in his shoulder. "Is the draught of peace supposed to go all bubbly and green?" 

George snorted and patted Lee on the back, saying, "I'm sure it shouldn't, mate." 

"Oh, well, what do I want a Potions OWL, either way," Lee shrugged, sipping at his tea. 

"I don't think I did that awful," George said thoughtfully, seeming to recall all the steps. "Pucey, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to die right there and then."

"Reckon he didn't want to be held back again," Lee joked, shutting up instantly once he saw the glare Rose was throwing at him. "Sorry, Ro." 

Before Rose could say another word, she saw Harry walking towards them, a sad frown on his face. She furrowed her eyebrows, walking away from her friends and over at Harry. 

"Alright, Harry?" She asked suspiciously, looking behind him in case someone was following. 

"Do you remember what I said regarding Buck Beak's trial?" Harry inquired, his gleaming green eyes rising to meet hers. Rose nodded as something in her memory lit, and she recalled a vague conversation she had with Harry about Hagrid's Hippogriff. "Well, Hagrid lost, they're executing Buck Beak tomorrow." 

"Oh, Harry, that's awful," Rose sighed, her heart breaking for her brother. "What can I do?" 

"Hermione, Ron and I will be there to support Hagrid tomorrow," Harry sniffed, putting his hands in his pockets. "You can come, if you want." 

"Of course, Harry," Rose responded as she drew her brother into a hug. "I'll be there." 

Harry nodded his head, hugging his sister back and pulling away. "I'll see you later, alright? Good luck on your potions's OWL." 

"See you," Rose responded, ruffling his hair and sending him off. She walked back to her friends with a few tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Looking up, she realized Fred and Amara were already outside, both of the laughing heartily at something Lee had said.  

"Ro? Are you alright?" Fred asked, being the first one to notice her watery eyes. He placed his arm around her shoulders protectively. 

"Yes, yes, I'm alright," she said, quietly sniffing. "Harry just told me that Buck Beak is going to be executed tomorrow, he wants me to be there to support Hagrid."

"Oh, Rose, that's terrible," Amara sighed with a sad smile on her face. "I'm so sorry." 

"I'll come with you, if you like," Fred offered, rubbing her arms fondly. Unknown to them, to them, George, Lee, and Amara were perplexed by the couple's proximity and wondered why they were so near. Rose nodded her head, smiling gratefully at Fred. 

"Should we go have lunch?" Amara asked, tearing Fred and Rose out of their little bubble. 

The second Rose Potter stepped into the Astronomy tower with a jumper loosely pulled over her upper body, Fred Weasley grinned, "Gotta be honest, I didn't think you'd come up."

"I promised, didn't I?" She giggled, walking right into his extended arms as he pulled her into a tight hug. He rested his head over her's as she sniffed his warmth scent; cinnamon and gunpowder, just like her amortentia. 

"I have a surprise for you," Fred whispered in her ear, making shivers go down her spine. She smiled up at him as he took her hand and pulled her over to the edge of the tower. "Stand right here," he said, standing behind her and facing at the sky. 

A big explosion occurred before she could ask what was going on. She looked up, startled, to see fireworks in the dimly lighted sky, with the words 'can I be your boyfriend?' spelled out in bright colours. She gasped loudly, putting her hands in her mouth. She turned on her heels, her eyes shining just like the colours in the sky. 

"Fred," she muttered in awe, her eyes looking directly at him. "Yes." 

Fred didn't waste any time in grabbing her by the waist and slamming his lips into hers. She replied eagerly, wrapping her arms over his neck and pushing her body closer to him. Did she know what she had just gotten herself into? Obviously not. Was she going to regret it all one day? Knowing her, she probably would... but in that moment, with his hands wondering all over her body, she regretted nothing. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now