Love. It's not easy. - Up in the Sky and Knocking my Door.

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The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.  ~Ivy Baker Priest



So first I tripped an old man into a pool, then my ring fell off, next Isaac put it back on, after that we ran into a tight hallway so his girlfriend wouldnt see him basically cheating on her, and now we are running. I can't let go and I am Very confused. I never put back on my shoes.

Isaac was now weaving me in and out of hotel guests. He was probably trying to get as far away from his girlfriend as possible. I still cant say anything to Isaac because of four reasons.

1.) It will probably get me into more trouble

2.) He has no clue that I speak english also

3.) I find it very entertaining when he openly talks about my "hottness" thinking I cant understand a word

4.) In the tabloids, It says he is a heavy alcoholic. Heavy alcoholics get angry and abusive, right?

After a while of running we finnaly slowed down. He still held my hand which was very sweaty from the both of us and getting sick of that feeling, I let go. I was still curious of where we were going so I wasnt going to run away from him. Now that my trip has gotten MUCH more exciting, I had to keep tagging along with him. He looked me in the eyes then used hand signals for me to fallow him. I nodded. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga was in my head as I took the chance of being caught with Isaac by some fan of Issabelle. In my regular life, I'm very calm. When I'm overseas, I can do whatever I want because I will never see any of these people again. Small spikes of regret pinned me as each second I spent with Isaac increased. What if someone did take a picture of me and Isaac? I could see the headline "Isaac Heed caught cheating on Isaabelle!". I felt as if the angel was on my right shoulder and the devil was on my left.

We rushed up a flight of stairs. I saw a sign but it was in Japanese so I had no clue what it said. When the stairs ended, we saw a door and by the looks of the "Do not enter. Employees Only" sign in 12 languages, I figured he was taking me to some room he learned about from his dad. Because of his fathers position, I imagine that employees let him do whatever he wants. He held open the door for me and we walked into a dark room.

He turned on the lights to reveal what looked like a control room, like one that you would see a pilot working in. Isaac flipped a few switches on and then I realized where we were going...on a ski lift ride. Upon his technical work, the ski lifts began moving. You are probably thinking, "Its 6 degree weather at 11pm. What are you doing?" But these ski lifts were closed in with glass and I would think they were heated. Isaac opened another door and I was greeted with a blast of cold air. It was until then that I realized I still never got my shoes back. After seeing I had no shoes on, Isaac bent over and pointed to his back. At first I was confused but then I realized he was going to give me a piggyback ride (I have no clue if american readers know what this is. lol i hope you do.). We were literly 20ft above the ground in an outdoor podium type thing. If he dropped me, I was dead.

When we succesfully reached a ski lift, he opened the door and we got in very akwardly. Yes I was right, there was heating but it was still cold. After noticing my coldness, Isaac took of his tuxedo jacket and put it around me. He then proceeded to get out his phone and go on what looked like a translation website. It was kind of sweet that he wanted to talk to me so bad that he got out his phone to translate english to french. I really wanted to tell him that I could speak english but I had no clue how he would take it.

"Juliette?" He said. I nodded my head yes.

"Comment allez-vous?"  (How are you in french)

I put up my thumbs up to simulate me saying "good". If I replied in french, he would have no clue what I said.

"tu es très jolie" (you are very pretty in french)                                                                                                  

After that, it was kind of awkward because he was stumped on what translate next. Isaac picked up his phone again and dialed a number, when he called it, the name "Christofer" popped up on the screen. Their conversation went like this:

"Chris, you know that thing we were gonna do tonight?"

"Yes", I heard Christofer say in the background

"Well im in the lifts with Juliette, go have the people do them now."

I was very confused at their conversation. But soon after he hung up, I heard fireworks go off. Isaac put his arm around my shoulder and pointed in the fireworks direction. Thats what he called Christofer about. The fireworks were beautiful. The ski lift ride ended before the fireworks went off and Isaac repeated as earlier by picking me up and dropping me off when we got into the control room.

He got out his phone again and translated another sentence. He must have translated from english to something other than french by accident because I had no clue what he was saying.

Thinking what he meant to say wasn't important, I just nodded my head yes like i had understood what he said. Lets hope it wasnt important.

We then left the room and when down the stairs again. Before entering the lobby, Isaac took a sly look out there. I bet he was making sure his girfriend wasnt there. When we walked through the lobby, Isaac waved at me and left.

It was 11:45 when I got back to my room. I took a shower and heard a knock on my door. Thinking it was Cammile, I yelled, "come in!"

I grabbed a robe and put it on. When I opened the bathroom door it wasnt Cammile, it was a very drunk Isaac. He grabbed me harshly and threw me on the bed.

OH THE SUSPENSE! Like for more thanks! What will happen?

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