In Secret

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                   Hope you all enjoy!! <3                       


He crouched there, perched behind on the stone landing behind the infirmary. Where he sat vigil lined up almost directly to where the window of Legolas's room was.

This is how things had played out for the past three days, although it had been five days since Legolas's return. Aragorn had been genuinely frightened by Thandruil's threat. And he didn't doubt it for a second. The wrath he had seen in the king of Mirkwood's eyes had been more terrifying than facing the Dark Lord Sauron himself.

Legolas was (to Aragorn's knowledge) unaware of Aragorn's presence at the window. Aragorn wouldn't dare do anything but watch and wait, for now.

This isn't how a king, especially the king of Gondor should be acting! Aragorn told himself. What he was doing was immature and ridiculous, but he cared for the elf too much. He would find a way to be with him, he had to. The thought of a world without Legolas was too much to bare, and he had been thinking of that for far too long now. They had come so close to losing him two days prior; the first night Aragorn approached the window.

They had been resetting two of Legolas's ribbed and securing them in the correct position since they had been broken for God only knows how long.

And the shrieks that shuttered through the glass obliterated his heart. The only relief was that he couldn't see Legolas, since during that time he hadn't dared get too close to the window. But he could still picture what the scene looked like.

That night he hadn't gotten into bed with Arwen, he slipped quietly away to fetch his horse, Brego, before leaving the city.

The guards didn't dare ask him where he was going, they simply lifted the gate, and he left.

Aragorn had gone to the place they had stargazed the night before Legolas left. In fact, he sat right where they had lay. But that night, the stars did not shine, as if they knew the horrors the elf was experiencing.

Still, Aragorn felt his heavy heart lift, for he was remembering the magic of that night. God, he missed it. When life was so simple.

The feeling of being watched, threw him back to the present. And Aragorn almost jumped when he recognized those shimmering blue eyes, still vibrant through all that they'd seen.


Their eyes locked and the world around him started to fall away. He didn't care about the healers standing just outside the room, or the vulgar sounds of patients all around him.

Just those grey, deep set eyes.

Legolas took in his beauty. His angular, sculpted face. (That looked almost too thin as of late) His chestnut brown hair flowing slightly in the wind. And those lips, light pink and slightly parted.

He loved this man.


In the gloom of all that had happened, the elf smiled at him. But it wasn't just any smile, it was the brightest he had ever seen. And those eyes, like a spring time stream, widened with joy at the sight of Aragorn. He wanted to wade into that stream, and swim among the colors.

No one had looked at him like that, not even Arwen, and it made his heart flutter.

But then Legolas mouthed something, and after squinting in concentration, Aragorn realized what he was saying,

"Night time"

Aragorn knew what that meant, and he smiled and bowed deep, which made Legolas laugh.


After an eternity of meetings and overflowing piles of paperwork, nighttime came at last. And when Aragorn was convinced Arwen was asleep, due to her even breath. He slipped out of bed, dressed into a tan tunic and brown pants, and snuck out into the streets of Gondor.

At this time of night, all was quiet because a curfew had been set for a short while to shorten the amount of chaos and make reconstruction easier.

Finally he made it to the infirmary, and he let out a sigh of joy before walking toward where Legolas's room was.

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