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legolas awoke with a start, momentarily forgetting everything that had went down last night. but soon it all came rushing back and it brought a rare smile to his elven face.

aragorn was no longer in the bed, but as legolas looked around he saw him sitting on the balcony looking off into the town below. legolas had no idea what the hell was going to happen between them now considering they just slept together. and he didn't know if he wanted to know.

aragorn had not yet noticed the elf was awake. so legolas padded over and sat down next to him, which made aragorn jump, but he quickly relaxed and smiled.

"good morning." aragorn said, putting his hand on legolas's cheek.

"good morning." is all legolas could think of saying in return.

all of a sudden there was a knock on the door, which made them both freeze. legolas's chest was completely bare, showing off his defined form. at least his legs were clad in dark green leggings.

he bolted to the bed a swept up his shirt that aragorn had taken off him the night before and threw it on. it was a flowing white blouse, but it was better than nothing.

luckily aragorn was already dressed, so they both put on a calm demeanor and started talking about random things, such as there favorite type of bird, or if they enjoyed swimming, as gimli burst in.

"aragorn! my lad, i've been looking for you all around this forsaken city." he scolded.

"well i am here gimli," aragorn laughed. "why hadn't you just checked my room?"

"i don't know," gimli said gruffly. and then he noticed legolas was there. "what were you and the elf doing?" he looked at them suspiciously, eyeing there messy hair and loose clothing.

"we were just talking, my friend." aragorn gestured to them sitting on the balcony.

"of course. anyway," legolas sighed in relief at gimli changing the subject. "your coronation is today! did you forget? you couldn't have." this made legolas's heart sink. legolas did know it was today, but he had tried to forget for the time being.

"i did not forget! how could i? but it's hours from now, in the evening. we have plenty of time to relax." aragorn said coolly, but inside he was freaking out.

"well, gandalf would like to have a word with you," gimli said. "unless i am intruding." he smirked.

"no not at all." legolas said, ignoring the sarcasm in gimli's voice. he got up just as aragorn did and put his hand of his shoulder.

"i'll see you soon, mellon nin." legolas said. and he left the room.

legolas headed to the room he had been given for the time being, which he actually hadn't spent much time in.

he washed up and re-plaited his long, blonde hair in a simple braid and placed a small circlet of silver on top of his head.

then he changed into a beautiful garment of silver that complimented his slender form and fit tightly to his body.

he spent the majority of the time before the coronation wandering around the city. he never truly noticed how much of a beautiful place it was. he couldn't believe that aragorn would rule it all in only a few hours.

he completely dreaded the coronation. legolas wished deeply that aragorn and him could go back to the days where they would travel the world together. just them. legolas guessed that trips like that would never happen again.

evening was nearing, and legolas felt his stomach start to flutter, even though he wasn't the one becoming king.

eventually the crowds started to form where aragorn would be crowned. legolas wasn't even aloud to see him before. so he let himself be swept away by the ocean of people. and joined the rest of his kin up front.

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