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after many miles of swift walking, without a moment of rest, legolas felt as though he was about to collapse. and the only thing that kept him from doing so were the two orcs firmly grasping both of his arms.

a ray of hope, as they broke through the trees and entered a large camp. but that feeling of hope was quickly replaced with pure fear. there were at least one hundred fifty, maybe two hundred orcs or some form of evil being inside of it.

but what made his heart truly sink was the cluster of hostages who had met the same fate as he had. luckily, he did not see any other elves, most of them were in fact human. except for a few dwarves.

he couldn't begin to imagine how they had managed to capture dwarves. he didn't want to think about it.

they shoved him on, and he cringed when the fabric of his tunic moved against his back. legolas was then brought into another tent and tied to the pole in the center.

right back to square one.

by then it was close to night, but there would be no sleeping from practically anyone there. legolas knew that if his wound wasn't treated soon, it would become infected.

but there was nothing he could do. so he just lay there in despair, letting his mind wander to better times. he thought about that magical night, where they lay together and gazed at the stars for hours. and if legolas focused enough he was able to pretend that aragorn lay by his side.

he thought about the war of the ring, the valiant battles that were fought, and the people who died during them. he thought about the hobbits, and wondered what they were doing, at that moment. no one was probably worried about him since even if he hadn't he captured, he wouldn't have made it to mirkwood yet.

that made him feel lonely, but he was always alone anyway.

being so deep in thought, he managed to slip into an uneasy sleep.

legolas was awoken by a hard foot connecting hard to his stomach, sweeping the air right out of him.

"get up elven scum!" one of the same orcs that brought him there, barked.

legolas groaned and made to sit up but he couldn't.

he couldn't move.

the wound on his back was infected and he was frozen in place. legolas tried to push himself up with his arms but they shook too much.

"i can't move." was all he managed to whimper out.

"shut it you elf weakling and get up!!" it shrieked, probably obtaining the attention of the others in camp.

"i- i can't." he sobbed, legolas stopped caring what he looked like to them, how weak he was acting.

"that's it," the orc grabbed the elf by his once silky but now brittle blonde hair. "twenty lashings for not following orders."

all the color drained from legolas's face.

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