All Vally under 18 tournament part one

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"Miguel calm down man" Hawk scoffed "Save some for the tournament" 

I hadn't talked to Miguel or Sam since the party on Friday, I didn't say I broke up with Hawk but I hadn't even looked at him for the past 2 days, and Miguel, I was mad that he was so drunk he hit three people. I could feel Hawks stare but I didn't lookup. Miguel hadn't apologized to me yet I wonder if he remembers that he hit me.

"Hey don't even bother," Aisha said to I assume Hawk but I didn't want to risk eye contact with him "he's been super out of it ever since the break up"

"Where's sensei" Hawk asked nudging me I wanted to answer but I am the kind of person that holds a grudge 

"Come on Olivia please don't ignore me" I continued to stare at my shoes and almost screamed when Hawk threw me over his shoulder and started walking away from the group

"Hawk what the hell, put me down" I yelled 

He put me down and we were behind a tree. 

"Olivia don't walk away just listen to me, I am so so sorry that I kissed Moon I really don't know why I did that, I was a jerk and I know I upset you a lot"

"Yes well you should have thought about that before" 

"I know I should have and I want to make it up to you, please give me a second chance" 

"I don't know Ha-"

He pulled me into a tight hug burying his face in my hair, I couldn't resist a hug from him they always made me feel safe and loved. 

"Please Olivia I'm begging you" 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked him in the eye, "I suppose I could forgive you" I muttered 

"Thank you, I will never do anything to hurt you ever again, I love you" 

I froze and probably stopped breathing "I love you too," I said and I meant it I did love Hawk I would do anything for him, he was my weakness I couldn't stay away from him. 

He picked me up and walked back over to the group. 

"I see you two made up," Aisha said happily I nodded and smiled 

"Is Sensei here yet?" I asked 

"no, we might have to do this without him" Aisha sighed 

"Do what without me?" Sensei asked walking up to us I let out a sigh of relief realizing Hawk was still carrying me.

"We didn't think you would show up," Hawk said 

"We might not always win but I never back out of a fight," 

"Well let's go sign up" Miguel snapped he was in a terrible mood

"Not yet," sensei said "there's one more lesson I have to teach, you have all learned to strike first, be aggressive, not be losers but I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai life shows no mercy, so neither do we, do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water we do whatever it takes to win, remember who you are, you are badass we kickass, We are Cobra Kai.

"COBRA KAI" Miguel screamed 

I leaned up and gave Hawk a kiss Sensei didn't say anything because he knew we were excited. Miguel pulled his White robe out.

"No, we aren't wearing those" Sensei said 

"What ARE we wearing then," Hawk asked 

"you'll see," Sensei said 


"Are you ready?" Hawk asked  

"yes I suppose" 

"don't be nervous you'll be great," he said I smiled

 "ALL THE WAY FROM RESEDA," the announcer said 

"Cobra Kai, cobra kai, cobra kai," we chanted all the way till we lined up on the mats


"wooh go Hawk" Moon yelled from the stands I stiffened up a bit Hawk noticed and looked at me I continued to look straight I couldn't afford to be distracted

"MR. ROBBIE KEEN" the man yelled I turned around to see Robby running out I gave him a small smile. 

"Alright folks get's karate time" 

Miguel stepped up first I wanted to wish him good luck but it might distract him

Miguel used daniel LaRusso's move I knew that wouldn't go over well, Miguel kicked the offender in the face and scored a point after Miguel won that match we watched Robbie and he won the match as well.

Aisha scored a point and I think won her first match. 

Hawk was up next I gave his hand a squeeze and he stepped up Hawk won the match and stripped his shirt causing me to blush from the sidelines. 

"Isn't he so hot?" Moon asked 

"He has a girlfriend," Demitri said pointing to me

"Oh," Moon said "I Didn't Know"

(Obviously Olivia wouldn't be able to actually hear this conversation I'm just adding it to keep the book running smoothly)

I stepped up next and looked at the boy that towered over me, it probably wasn't a fair match but I didn't care. Because I was short I was able to sweep his legs and then kick him in the face winning the match. 

"You did amazing" Hawk said to me giving me a hug

Miguel, Hawk, Aisha, and I made the semi-finals I was really excited. 

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