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Cobra Kai went out to celebrate I invited Moon and Demetri to join us. 

"It was supposed to be a round of drinks" Aisha was saying to her Instagram live "But the waitress wasn't feeling Hawk's fake ID"

"Hey my parent's follow you" Hawk yelled 

"Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Moskowitz" Aisha said "anyways till next time no mercy bitches" 

We all had nachos and Demetri was making a Nacho "Ya know it's nice to be at a victory party" He smiled 

"Yeah except you had nothing to do with the victory," Hawk said taking the Nacho from Demetri and putting it in my mouth.

"well, then I take it as a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp remember? Demetri and Eli binary brothers" Demetri sang

I did everything I could to keep from laughing I bit my lip so hard it started bleeding. 

"Hey cool it with the nerd shit" Hawk said to Demitri who rolled his eyes 

We all looked over at Miguel who was sulking at a table alone so we stood up and walked over to him.

"El Serpiente" Hawk laughed making a snake with his arms and fingers 

"She blocked me" Miguel mumbled 

I grabbed his phone "No Miguel we just one be happy not sad" 

After we finished eating Hawk took my hand and led me to his car 

"so I was wondering if I could meet your mom tonight," he said to me 

"I smiled at him, I think that would be alright" 


I giggled and gave him a kiss Hawk was my whole world and I would never let him go. 

"Hawk pulled up to our Apartment and we hopped out

"You ready," I said taking his hand

"ready as I'll ever be" 

I pushed the door open and walked in. 

"Mom I'm home" I yelled 

"Hi Mija," she said coming out of her bedroom

"Mom this is Hawk Miguel's best friend and My boyfriend" 

She smiled and shook his hand "nice to meet you, Hawk"

"Nice to meet you too Ms.Diaz" 

"We are gonna go to my room ok" 

*"Proteccion contra el uso" she yelled at me I cringed 

"No Estamos Haciendo esas cosas, mama" I yelled back 

"Ok solo Quiero que Estes a salvo Mija" she yelled 

"Tienes suerte de que su Espanol no sea tan avanzado"* I said shutting my door 

"What did she say," Hawk asked 

"Nothing," I said blushing and shaking my head violently 

He laughed "Ok" 

He started to kiss my laying me on my bed it turned into a full makeout session. He kissed my jawline and then went back to my mouth.

When we ran out of air he rolled off me and I lay my head on his chest. Jeez I was so lucky to have Hawk in my life. We actually ended up falling asleep there and only woke up when Miguel walked in and told us that it was 10:00 and my mom would kick him out soon. 

"I'll call you tomorrow," Hawk said kissing me


For the rest of the night, Miguel and I watched marvel movies and ate cookies. I always felt like something bad was going to happen to Miguel (if only she knew) I tell mother about them but she says I just love my brother so much. 

My mom told me she didn't like the looks we had on our faces earlier today when we were fighting. Sensei came to the rescue saying it was just our game faces and he wouldn't let us go astray I hoped he was right. 

Earlier when they were talking in Spanish Olivia's mom said:

Use protection

Then Olivia said: we don't do that stuff

Her mom replied: I just want you to be safe my daughter

Olivia replied: You are lucky his Spanish isn't this advanced

I used google translate to write this so I'm sorry if I spelled something wrong. 

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