All Valley under 18 tournament part two

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Miguel had to go up against Xander last year's champion, it was very tough to watch but Miguel did end up winning. 

Aisha Went up against another boy she got the first point and the boy got the second point Aisha swung her fists at the boy who blocked all of them he tried kicking her and she blocked the kicks after a minute the boy knocked Aisha to the ground. 

"It's ok Aisha I said as she walked out of the room" 

"Leave me alone she yelled"

It was my turn to fight Robbie in the finals I was nervous I knew I couldn't win I was good at Karate but he was better.

I looked at Robbie "Hi" I mumbled 

"Hi, Olivia"

I ran at him and swept his legs, that was my signature move that almost always works I scored the first point I didn't want to lose because I was sure Hawk would be mad at me. Robbie kicked me in the ribs and pushed me down to the ground where he scored the next point. I went for his face but he blocked me pushing my foot back, I stumbled and almost fell I tried to hit him but he used a forceful push and knocked me to the ground.

"Winner" the referee yelled holding Robbie hand up

Robbie stuck his hand out to pull me up "Good job" he said giving me a side hug

I walked back to my place waiting for Hawk's wrath but he just kissed me on the cheek and said I did a great job. 

I wished Hawk good luck as he went and stood towards Robbie holding his fists up "ready to face the fury of the Hawk" he said to Robbie, Robbie went for hawk's face and Hawk was able to flip Robbie over soring the first point.  Robbie Back kicked Hawk making him fall. 

"Point" the referee yelled holding Robbie's arm  

"That was a lucky point" Hawk snarled "It's going to be your last"

"why? leaving early to fix that stupid haircut?" Robbie asked I clenched my fists 

Hawk lunged at Robbie kicking his shoulder there was a sickening crack as Robbie's shoulder was dislodged. 

"Ilegal contact you're disqualified" the referee yelled at Hawk 

"Bullshit" he yelled back   

He came over to me and Kissed me roughly I knew he was only doing it so he didn't lose his temper more but it was a sad kiss that was still filled with passion. 

Robbie was taken away to get his shoulder iced for a few minutes.

Hawk and I sat on a bench I leaned up against his arm and took his hand in mine.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked 

"No, I'm not" I whispered 

"But I just attacked someone"

"I know that, but we were taught to strike first and have no mercy"

He gave me another kiss "you know I really do love you" I grinned "I love you too Hawk" 

I felt a small tap on my shoulder, oh happy day it was Moon "Can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked I nodded and followed her 

"Olivia, I wanted to apologize I didn't know you were Hawk's girlfriend I never would have kissed him if I knew, and I want us to please be friends" 

I wanted to hate Moon but she was so sweet "It's ok Moon, and I would love to be friends with you" She smiled 

"Ok, I'll see you after the tournament" I nodded and she walked away 

I came back out and sat back down next to Hawk he wrapped his arm around me but didn't ask questions. 

A few minutes later Robbie came out and got ready to fight Miguel I went up and gave Miguel a hug "good luck" he smiled and hopped onto the mat. 

They began to fight it looked like Miguel was trying to punch and kick Robbie anywhere he could Robbie went to kick Miguel's face and he caught Robbie's leg he then punched the shoulder Robbie had injured then he kicked Robbie to the ground.

"WINNER," the ref said holding Miguel's arm 

Hawk went wild picking me up and spinning me around, Cobra Kai had just won we all ran to Miguel before anyone else could reach him I slammed into him giving him a huge hug.  

Everyone started patting him on the back and jumping around. 

"WE DID IT" Miguel yelled at Sensei 


We were all so excited I ran up to Demetri who gave me a high five Moon told me I did a great job. 

My mom gave both Miguel and me hugs and congratulated us. I was still smiling when Hawk picked me up again and carried me out of the building. I loved seeing him so happy.  

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