The Surface

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I woke up, still laying comfortably against Schlatt's chest. I recounted last nights events and remembered that the water had risen up, I also remembered that Schlatt kissed me on the head before I fell asleep. He's so cute sometimes. I wonder if that was just a friendly thing though. He did comfort me well last night.

My face was dusted with pink as I cuddled closer to Schlatt, if that was even possible.

"G'morning Will." Schlatt said sleepily wrapping his arms around me.

"morning, Schlatt." I replied sweetly

"We need to make it to the surface and move house." I told him while getting off his chest, no matter how bad I wanted to cuddle, we had to survive this.

"the hell?" Schlatt said coming to consciousness.

I began pacing the house rambling on about how we needed iron and that we barely had food. I told Schlatt I was headed up to the surface, as there may be animals.

"ah fuck" Schlatt breathlessly replied to my muttering.

I stepped out the door to see how far under we were. Jesus Christ was it a long way up.

"Oh my god that's high." I nervously told Schlatt.

"We've gotta go up for food." I muttered to myself.

I held my breath and stood out into the sea, swimming upwards. It wasn't as bad as I expected. When I finally reached the surface, there were three creepers that I narrowly avoided. Swimming away from them, I began to build a dirt platform when I remembered the sky islands from earlier. I looked up and you bet, one was near. Thank god.

I noticed Schlatt hadn't followed me. Where was he?

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