The Answer No One Wanted To Hear ✅

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         "Hey Midoriya, truth or dare?" Iida asks, moving his hand in a chopping motion.

        "Truth!" Izuku answers eagerly.

         "Well, Ive was wondering if you were bullied in middle school?" Iida had only heard Midoriya talk about having a terrible middle school a few times. He knew there could've been other reasons but bullying had been quite a popular reason for someones school life to be terrible.

     Katsukis involuntarily tenses, casting a quick look at Izuku, who was already looking at him, waiting for an answer.

      He shrugs subtly, and looks away slowly. There's silence for a moment before Izuku speaks again.

    "Yeah, i was."

     "Who?" kirishima asks, anger evident in his voice, but it sounds tamed; Like he's trying not to explode. The teen knew how it felt to be bullied, he had gone through something similar himself, in middle school.

     Izuku feels a hand on his shoulder, looking to his right to see Shoto looking at him. "Is it still going on?"

      "No, i-it stopped in highschool. I swear guys it's really not that big of a deal!"

But everyone was already assuming the worst. Through the chaos a voice speaks;

     "Was it Bakugou?"

That was Ochakos voice, Katsukis mind supplies, and she most definitely already knew the answer.

     The tense silence that follows seems to to answer everyones questions, and suddenly Katsuki regrets coming to this little 'party'.

Ochako stands up, but instead of walking towards Katsuki like everyone expected, she stops. Shoto already walking the short distance towards Katsuki.

    Shoto felt anger corse through his body, his left side subconsciously firing up a bit.

     In the beginning months of their first year at U.A., Izuku and Shoto had gotten close, they comforted each other when going through difficult times.

Shoto knew how much Izuku had been hurt from what happened to him in middle school, Izuku had never gone into detail about what happened, simply saying 'it was a bad time for everyone'.

       Shoto stood over the blond, wearing a scowl; The most expressed any of his classmates have ever seen him.

"Do you know how much pain you caused him?" Shoto didn't yell, but his voice held enough malice that the message got across.

Katsuki flinches at the tone in Shotos' voice, but the action goes unnoticed by the others. He looks over at his friends with a look he hopes they can see; but all he gets in return are looks of disgust and disappointment; He hates those looks.

Then a voice speaks up, Eijirou.

"Why'd you do it?"

     Katsuki stares, shocked at the question because nobody ever asks him his part of the story; Instead, they always assume he's the monster, and he feels he can't disagree.

He knows, deep down, that he can never excuse what he did. Know's that there's no way of getting out of this, and it's better if they know nothing than anything.

Besides, Izuku always finds a way to get the truth out of him; Actually, Katsuki's pretty sure Izuku knows more than he lets on. It's not like they haven't already talked everything out, anyway.

"I just felt like it."

Theres a hot sting on Katsukis cheek, and he feels tears bloom in his eyes; Squeezing them shut quickly.

When did she get over here?

He stands up abruptly, shins hitting against the table painfully, before he moves to the exit.

accidentally bumping into two people before entering the elevator. When he turns around he's met with glares from everyone in the room. He knows returning to school on Monday is going to be hell, but he can fight through it, he always does.

But maybe not this time, as he reaches his room, his emotions grow larger and , for once, he lets them take control.

He slams the door behind him, sliding down the wall, finally letting the pent up tears fall.

'God damn it!'

You're never getting them back, this was the last straw and you know it.

The negative thoughts circle Katsuki mind, quiet sobs and pants escaping his lips. He curls his arms tightly around himself, hoping they'll just go away!


The thought shocks him. He can't, he's been clean for so long, he can't relapse now.

Don't you think you deserve it?

Everyone knows that you're a monster and you have no one, so, whats stopping you?

Katsuki casts a glance at the drawer where he knows a razor is, the temptation growing.

You kept it, dont you think thats enough of a sign already?

Do it.

Without even thinking about it, he walks towards his desk, pulling open the drawer and grabbing the shinny metal object. He didn't bother keeping it hidden, since no one ever came into his room, and that would never be an issue anymore.

He watches blood flow from the cuts, feeling shame and guilt coil in his stomach. He quickly washes the injuries, and wraps them lazily, before going back to his bed. Simply removing his shirt and opting to sleep in his sweats.

Only after he's hidden under the blankets, trying to warm up, does it all come crashing down on him.

He'd  relapsed.

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