Truth Or Dare ✅

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Katsuki freezes, anxiety creeping up his spine.

'What the fuck!?' He panics, pulling on a dirty sweater from the floor, before grabbing the door and pulling it open.

Mina and Kirishima, the two last people Katsuki expects to be there, stand on the other end of the door.

"Hey Bakubae!" Mina squeals, smiling brightly.

"What do you losers want?" He asks, not in the mood to talk.

"Hear that kiri? We aren't 'ExTrAs' anymore!" She laughs.

Katsuki frowns, still looking at the two with a glare, waiting for an answer from someone.

"Well since its sunday, Mina and I planned on hanging out here and when we got here we heard a crashing sound! So of course we came to check out what happened!" Kirishima explains, smiling bright, his hands resting on his hips.

"Is that Kacchan, I hear?" Kaminaris' voice coos from not to far down the hall; Then he's peaking around the door frame, sticking a tongue out at Katsuki. "Why're you here so early?"

There's a hint of concern in his voice, which usually wouldn't annoy Katsuki, but the past few days have had his emotions on a short wire.

"None of your damn business, idiots!" He yells, voice choking halfway through the sentence. He hopes they didnt notice, but he knows thats irrational.

They did, but let it slide. They'll wait till he's ready to tell them.

"Alright! We'll be downstairs, waiting for you, blasty!" Mina exclaims, turning quickly, dragging kaminari and kirishima along with her.

"Whatever!"Katsuki grumbles. He slams the door, locking it afterwards. The entire interaction finally hitting him, and he finally notices the fast beat of his heart in his chest.

'When did they get here?' He wonders, before remembering theres still a pile of shattered glass, just sitting on the floor, and moves to finish cleaning.

Once finished cleaning, Katsuki checks his phone.

1:47 p.m.

It hasn't been that long since Mina invited him to hang out, but he doesn't think he can handle all of them being loud today.

The loud rumble of his stomach brings him out of his thoughts. Even if he doesn't want to hang out, he needs to eat.


As he reaches the common area, he hears excited chatter from his classmates.

"WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY NEXT WEEKEND!" Mina squeals, jumping up from the spot she was sitting on the couch, giggling with Ochako.

"Raccoon eyes, aizawa would never let that slide." Katsuki says as he walks around the corner.

The small group of teenagers all look towards Katsuki, surprise on their faces at how calm he sounded.
Sure it was a small ammount of people, but Bakugou still hates whenever peoples eyes are on him.

"Bakugou has a point, mina." Ochako agrees, breaking the overwhelming silence.

"Never say never, Blasty!" Mina speaks with confidence, not letting anything bring her in a bad mood.

Katsuki lets out a sigh and continues to walk through the kitchen doors to find a quick snack.

-Timeskip to Friday.-

Turns out, Katsuki was right. Aizawa had shut down the idea of a party at the first mention of it to him.

But after Aizawas' class on Monday, Katsuki said he'd make sure they would all clean up any messes they made, and Aizawa reluctantly agreed.

At the end of the school day, when the bell had rung, Katsuki headed to his room immediately. He wasn't sure what to wear, and didn't want to worry about it too much, but knew it was inevitable no matter what he wore.

He texts Mina, asking what type of party it's supposed to be, and she replies with 'chill :D'

He decides to wear sweatpants and a black, short-sleeved, T-shirt. Checking his room one last time, he leaves and locks the door, if he forgets anything he can always come back up to grab it.

When Katsuki walks downstairs, he immediately catches the Bakusquad and Dekusquad sitting around the couches, everyone wearing comfy clothes. He loves that Mina knows the best type of parties in certain places, and his lips turn up in a small grin.

Kirishima decides to look up at that exact moment, smiling big, as he says "Hey bro!"

Immediately half the people there turn up and look at him, but quickly turn back to pay attention to the card game Kaminari and Sero are playing.

"BAKUBAE YOU ACTUALLY CAME!" Mina cheers as she runs over and practically drags Katsuki to sit down with them.

The blond sits down beside Kirishima, back up against the front of the couch, head resting on the couch cushion behind him.

"We should play truth or dare!" Kaminari declares, making mina and the others giggle and laugh.

Katsuki really enjoys spending time with the 'bakusquad', might even go as far as calling them his friends; But he would never tell them that. Whenever he's with them it was like all the bad emotions and thoughts vanished.

They were the reason his arm only had scars, no new markings.
They help him without even knowing, and no words could ever explain how much he appreciates them.

"okay,okay ill go first! Kacchan, Truth or dare?"
Izuku asks, watching and waiting excitedly.

"Tch! Dare, nerd!"
Bakugou answers through grit teeth.

"I dare you to kiss your crush!"

'Damn it!' Katsuki remains silent, growing vastly uncomfortable with everyones eyes on him.

"Hey, guys maybe he doesnt have a crush?" Mina tries, hoping to help Katsuki. He may think he's good at masking his emotions, but Mina has gotten to know some things about him.

"Exactly, who has time for that?!" Bakugou says, afterwards sending a subtle nod towards mina as a thanks. She smiles.


If Katsuki is being honest, he does happen to have a crush. But it's not like anyone needs to know that, especially because he doesn't feel like being made fun of.

"Im passing my turn to Raccoon eyes!" Bakugou yells, shuffling slightly in his spot.

"Aw Bakugou that isnt how you play the game!" Jirou boo's sarcastically, hoping that would spark his competitiveness.

"Deal with it!" Bakugou yells; Everyone groans, they give up after that.

"Hmm, okay! Kaminari?" Mina asks, battering her eyelashes innocently.

Kaminari thinks about it, stinking his tongue out in thought. "Dare!"

A cursed smile begins to reach across Mina's face. Sero and Kaminari hold onto each other for safety.

" I, Mina Ashido, dare you to dance with sero!"
Kaminari and Sero both let out sighs of relief, until Mina interrupts, "But! Like you're an old married couple!"

Jirou bursts into laughter, everyone closely watching as the pair starts to dance. It's hilarious, everyone is laughing, even Katsuki grins.

The game goes on, everyone having been asked multiple questions; Except for Katsuki.

He knew this would happen, and yet it still hurts. He knows their scared of him; But nobody needs to know how he is, because who would care how a monster feels, right?

He's used to pushing down, and bottling up his emotions. Weeks usually end with him crying into his pillow to muffle his sobs, these days.

He snaps back into paying attention, and it's Iidas' turn...

edited: 1188 words

unedited: 1001 words

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