Phone Call's and Arguments ✅

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Katsuki wakes up to his phone vibrating, a photo of his mother glaring towards him, on the screen.

'Why is she calling?'
Not to curious to hear what she has to say, he declines the call, but she calls again immediately after. He decides to pick up this time just to see what she wants.

He prepares himself, readying to get yelled at, and slurs thrown at him like just a few days ago.

"I know you've been seeing my calls, Katsuki!" His mother screams from the other end of the call.

"Sorry, i was asleep." He knows she doesn't believe him from the scoff he hears.

Why did he pick up?

Mitsuki clears her throat, a brief silence falling between the two.

"You are not coming back home."

His heart drops into his stomach,

"What?" He asks, hoping he didn't hear that correctly.

"You," She says, disgust dripping from the word. "Are not coming home." His mother speaks calmly, something he can't remember her doing in a long time.

He opens his mouth to speak, but gets cut off by the beep signalling the end of the call.

You have a serious talent at pushing everyone away.

The voice was right. He's finally done it, the one thing he thought would never happen.

He's lost his friends, his family, and, somewhere along the way, he's ended up losing himself.

Without meaning to, an explosion erupts from his hand. It wasn't too loud, he hopes nobody was around to hear it.

Luck doesn't seem to be on his side today, because just a few minutes later there's a knock from outside his door.

"Who is it?" He loudly replies, opening the balcony door to clear the smoke out.

"Bakugou, is everything okay?"

What the fuck? is that Racoon-eyes?

"Can we come in?"

He doesn't know who 'we' is, and barks back a sharp "No! Fuck off!" He warns.

The footsteps fade, a door down the hall clicking shut tells him that Mina, and Whoever she was with, are now gone.

His knees hit the floor hard, and his body curls up into itself. His shoulders shake, tears streaming out of the corner of his eyes. He gasps, hands holding on to his biceps tightly, nails breaking the skin that lay underneath them.

He needs to get out of here, he cant breathe!

Swiping his sweater off the table, he slips on shoes and pulls the sweater over his head. he runs down the stairs; Only slowing as he reaches the Common room.

Mina isnnt there, thankfully, Katsuki can't deal with other people right now. His hands shake slightly in his pockets.

As Katsuki reaches the door with trembling hands, he catches sight of everyone who's downstairs, watching him, whispering to each-other.

The bottom of his shoes hit the concrete as he runs down endless roads, not caring about where he's heading, just relieved to be able to get air into his lungs.

Once he feels his legs begin to burn, and his feet feel sore, he decides to stop at a park across the street.

Thankfully, t's empty as he walks up and sits at a bench, looking up at the stars in the sky.

'You aren't coming back home."

His breath hitches, and his hands gather into fists, as he punches his thigh brutally.

I have no one...

You'll spend the rest of you're life alone

No one to love you, or like you.

Alone, forever

Katsuki stands up quickly, and runs back to the school, deciding on taking a longer way so he can run more.


"Okay, Bakusquad meeting right now!" Eijirou calls, grinning as he catches sight of Mina, Kaminari, sero, and Jirou all turning their heads towards him.

"Come on." He says, and they all make their way up to Eijirous room.

Everyone's seated on the floor, sitting in a circle, all looking at Mina and Eijirou; Who seem to be having some type of mind communication.

"So... Whats going on?" Kaminari asks, raising a brow towards Eijirou.

"It's Bakugou!" Mina interrupts, sending an apology glance at Eijirou, before she continues. "Kirishima and I are worried about him."

Jirou nods, taking her chance to speak. "I am, too. I get that what Bakugou did was fucked up, but it was in the past, and if i'm being honest," She clears her throat briefly, "It wasn't any of our business to begin with. Plus, Midoriya said they cleared it up, and he is doing better now." She ends, looking back at Eijirou.

Kaminari cleared his throat. Now he was serious, "I've also been worried about Bakugou, too. I don't know if i saw it right, but it looked like he had bandages on his arm."

He wipes a tear from his eye, "I didn't say anything b-because i didn't want to be blown up, but..." He trails off, the others understanding what he's saying.

Mina tenses up a bit, a sudden sadness in her eyes.

"Do you guys think he's...y'know."

The group looks towards Mina, any sign of her joking, gone.

"It wouldnt hurt to just check up on him, is what Im getting from this conversation." Sero continues, "How about we go back downstairs, wait until he get's back, and then we talk to him about it back in one of our rooms?"

Everyone nods, heading back downstairs and doing theyre best to act like their usual selves.


7:31 p.m.

Katsuki slowly trudges up the steps towards the dorm, exhaustion seeping into his body.

His clothes are scratched up in some spots, and his hairs a mess of dirt and grime. He pulls on his hood, and tries to make sure he doesn't look to bad.

They'll just think you got into a fight.

Typical Katsuki

Unaware of the people waiting for him inside, he walks forwards, and shoves open the doors.

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