The Discussion ✅

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             Following the events of Tuesday night, there was difference in the air on Thursday morning. Class having been cancelled for no apparent reason.

The morning routine went as it usually did, the students of 2-A entered their class and  took their respective seats. The only student missing was Katsuki, but most of the class didn't think anything of it.

In the far right corner of the class sit the members of the Bakusquad, all looking very protective of Eijirou, who's looking straight at his desk with a blank face.

Present Mic walks into the class, going straight to the lesson.

- -

The first thing Katsuki notices is the intense lights above him, and the scent of antiseptic in the room. He slowly opens his eyes, blinking away the sleep from his vision.

"Bakugou..." A gruff voice says from his left, startling him slightly.

Katsuki goes to speak but finds his throat dry, and reaches towards the water cup on the table beside him.


Finally taking in all his surroundings, Katsuki realizes it's Recovery Girls room that he's been taken to.

Couldn't even do the easiest thing in the world and just kill yourself


"What am I doing here?"


"What am i doing here?"

Shota isn't surprised by the question, or the lack of concern Katsuki has for himself. The teenager has always been oblivious about taking care of himself.

He avoids it like its the plague.

Shota doesn't say this, knowing it would only do more bad than good.

"Bakugou." He calls again, finally getting his student to glance in his direction.

Katsuki doesn't look him at him, chooses to look at the floor, but it's the closest Shota's going to get to gaining his attention.

"We need to talk about what happened."

Katsuki flinches, it isn't noticeable; At least, it wouldn't be if the person he was talking to was anyone other than Shota.

Shota tries to be as comforting as he possibly can, but he's never been good with kids; Katsuki is no exception to that, but Shota still tries.

"You don't need to talk about it in detail with me, I can get you a therapist that's provided by the school if you'd like?"

"I don't need anything from anyone." Katsuki spits, anger bubbling in his voice.

"Believe it or not Bakugou, i'm not as oblivious as some might think." Shota leans back against the chair he sits in, letting out a small sigh.

Katsuki doesn't give a response. Shota continues to speak.

"It's okay to ask for help, kid. I know that its difficult at times, and sometimes it doesn't feel like it'll do much of anything or that you're weak for asking; But i promise, it only proves how strong you can be."

Shota waits patiently for a response, seeing Katsukis knuckles white with how tightly he appears to be holding on to the blanket.

"I'm- It's stupid."


"I know asking for help isn't weak, but i-i just feel so stupid when i see how much others go through. They have an actual reason to feel like this, and i just... I just don't."

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