Scared Of Heights ✅

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Eijirou walks behind Izuku, into Katsukis room, noticing how some items seem out of place. He freezes when his eyes land on a photo of the 'Bakusquad' that sits on Katsukis nightstand.

Eijirou smiles, remembering that day crystal clear.

They'd been at a local fair that they had dragged Katsuki to, and ,as they were heading towards the entrance to leave, Mina had spotted a photo booth.

It was almost large enough to fit all of them, Kaminari had ended up laying over everyones laps. The angry blond had yelled at first, but eventually just grumbled to 'Take the damn photo already''.

That day sparked a lot of the groups' inside jokes, and what was really special to all of them was that Katsuki had smiled. It wasn't the cocky grin that most people knew, either.

It was a small, genuine smile.

Eijirou looks away from the photo, eyes scanning the room for anything that might tell them where his best friend has disappeared to; But he can't seem to find anything.

Kaminari stands outside, fidgeting with his hands.


The electric blond looks up, startled by the call of his name.


Eijirou walks back towards where Kaminari stands.
"Why don't you go back down to the group, let them know that Midoriya and i are looking for Bakugou, and there shouldn't be anything to worry about."

Shoto places a hand on Kaminaris shoulder, looking down at the other. "I'll go with you, i was headed down there anyway.

Eijirou knows Kaminaris okay when he watches some of the tension fall from his friends shoulders.

Kaminari nods, wearing a look of determination. "You got it, bro!" He gives a quick thumbs up, before leaving the room, Shoto right behind him.

Eijirou walks back inside, seeing Izuku standing very very still.

"Uh, Midobro? Is everything-"

He freezes mid-step when he catches a glimpse of what Izuku holds in his hands.

A letter.

The greenette doesn't say anything when he abruptly turns around, running out of the room and towards the stairs; Eijirou keeps up behind him, hoping they don't find Katsuki where he thinks they're headed.

His hope slipping into doubt the closer they get to the roof entrance.

In Katsukis room, the letter slowly falls to the ground, crumpled around the edges from Izukus grip.


Izuku slams open the metal door with all his weight, the sound cracking through the silence.

"Kacchan!" He cries, watching as Katsuki falls.

Eijirou doesn't hesitate, running quickly to where Katsuki slips forward, and grabs his arm with an iron grip; His quirk activating.

"Bakugou!" He shouts in alarm, pulling the other teen up and over the railing.

Katsuki doesn't respond, seemingly in a daze when Eijirou takes a closer look.

He turns to Izuku, both wearing terrified expressions.

"Go get Aizawa!" He pleads, carefully holding on to Katsukis still-limp form in his arms.

Izuku doesn't say anything, activating One For All and retreating down the stairwell-  nothing but a flash of green in his place.

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