Flowing Tears ✅

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The usually frustrated blond, walks through the common room with seemingly little energy.

"Bakugou?" Jirou asks, looking over the back of the couch, her worried gaze on him as he stops for a second to lean against the wall.

He didn't think they'd be awake still. How long has it been since he'd left? Thankfully it's only some idiots of the Bakusquad in the common room, Mina is probably upstairs doing her nighttime routine and Kaminari is playing video games.

Katsuki, you should leave, they clearly don't want you here.

All he wants is to go upstairs and have a very, very long shower, he needs to scrub away at his skin until he can stop feeling hands grabbing him.

"Hey man, are you okay?" Sero asks, walking towards Katsuki. The teen flinches noticeably, making sero stop in his tracks.

Eijirou watches worriedly from where he sits, every muscle in his body screaming at him to help his best friend.

"M'fine, Fuck off."

That would normally sooth the others worry, but the pained expression across Katsukis face and the croak in his statement, just makes the concern boil.

"Bakugou?" Mina asks from up ahead of him in the hall.

If Katsuki didn't regret going a run already, he really regrets it now. He gathers up as much energy as he can, and puts on a mask of false confidence.

"I'm going upstairs, get the fuck out of my way raccoon eyes!" He marches forward, shouldering Mina as he walks past her; Eijirous eyes burning holes into the back of his head on his way to the elevator.

something is very wrong.


Everything hurts.

He brings a hand up to cover his mouth just barely stopping a whimper, seconds before his body begins to quiver.He pulls off his hoodie with as much energy as he can gather, and trudges into the bathroom.

He doesn't even remember to take off his other clothes, just sitting in the tub as he turns the faucet on, and lets the shower head pour water onto him from above.

All he can focus on is the burning sensation that runs across his skin, the feeling of nails digging into his skin, someone telling him to stay still, then using their quirk when he refused and tried to fight back.

He doesn't know why he froze up, he could've fought them off easily! But all he remembers is seeing flames and his body immediately obeyed whoever it was that was in-front of him.

You wanted it.

He looks up with closed eyes, a sob mixed with a choked laugh escapes him.

His mind screams, trembling hands turning the shower handle farther to the left.


"Kirishima, you should go check on him." He looks up to see his three other friends eyes on him.

He doesn't say anything when he walks into the elevator, and knows that whatever happened he will do what he can to help Katsuki.

He steps towards Katsukis door, knocking after a minute of contemplating.

"Bakugou, are you okay?"

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