chapter 1

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"What are you thinking 'bout, Y/n?" you suddenly hear the well - know to you, tone of your brother's voice.

You kiss George passionately, digging your nails into his back, leaving red marks. He unzips your dress and you let out a soft moan as he squeezes your- Wait. You see John watching you from the behind of your lover's half naked body.

"Hello, Earth to Y/n!" John calls, a bit irritated.

What is he even doing there?!

You kiss George's pink, puffy lips again, but then you blink a few times and you see John's face a few centimeters away from yours and you feel his breath, smelling like a mix of mint and cigarette smoke.

You look around awkwardly and sadly realize that you are sitting on your living room couch, your brother sitting next to you.

"Uhm" your face flushed red, when you feel a wet spot forming on your panties.


"Excuse me for a second." you say and quickly run upstaits to the bathroom, leaving John there all confused.

Why is the universe punishing you by making you feel attracted to your best friend?! Him above all the people you know!

You throw your soaked panties into a bin of dirty clothes and you sneak out to your room, making sure your dress will cover up everything in case you accidently bumped into John in the hallway. You put on clean panties and get back downstairs.

"What happened? You on yer period of somethin'?" your brother smirks and you glare at him.

"You're disgusting." you answer and plump yourself down next to him.

"Yeah well, birds dig it." he assures confidently and you huff a laugh. "What are you laughing at?!"

"You're just being lame, but hey when aren't you, right?" you reply, taking a sip of your, not so warm anymore, tea. John puts on his fake hurt facial expression and pretends to cry. You simply roll your eyes at his stupid behaviour. Not a long time later you start to drift off into your wild fantasies again so John pushes the cup, which you are holding, making you spill everything on your favourite Sunday dress.

"Are you out of your fuckin' mind?!" you scream, but he has already started to run upstairs. "Idiot." you mutter under your breath. Since your favourite yellow dress is ruined, you go upstairs to change once again. When you are passing by John's room, you glare at the door. You will get back at him somehow.

You dress into a green sweater and a pair of brown jeans. Sure they are nice, but not as nice as the dress is. Well it was, before that daft git ruined it. You put on some make up, nothing extraordinery, just foundation, some blush, light-brown eyeshadow and mascara. You correct your hair a bit and decide you look decent enough to get out of the house.

"I'm going out John, good luck with explaining to Mimi why there's tea spilled all over her couch!" you annouce and quickly make your way downstairs. You put on your shoes, just in time to see John running down the stairs, stamping angrily. You only laugh at the view.

"Y/n! You can't go out now!" he yells and you giggle again. You also take a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of John's jacket and let a satisfied grin spread across your face, sliding the ciggies into the pocket of your trousers. "Ah, c'mon! I actually paid for those!"

"Bye Johnny." you wave at him teasingly and close the door shut. You start running down the street, just to make sure that John won't go after you. After you are absolutely sure that he is not behind you, you slow down.

Mimi told you two not to leave the house while she is gone. But you are 16 for heaven sakes, not 12.

"Y/n?" Suddenly you hear a familiar voice behind you, causing you to jump a little since you were not expecting it to happen.

"Geo!" you welcome him with a genuine smile, pull him into a gentle hug. He hugs you back and pulls away, also smiling and showinh off his vampire like teeth.

"What a nice suprise runnin' into you here." he wonders, eyeing you up and down and making a faint blush to scatter across your cheeks. "Nice sweater by the way." he adds and your face goes ever more red.

"Thanks." you reply, trying to sound totally casual. As response, George grabs your hand, making your heart skip a beat. He starts running and pulls you after him.

"Where are we goin'?" you ask curiously? but he only laughs happily. You trust him more than anyone, so you just go along with it.

He finally stops when you get to an edge of a forest, which seems pretty dark and scary. As you look deeply into it, it starts becoming ever creepier.

"I found an amazing place and I thought you'd love it. I was on my way to you actually." he laughs a bit nervously and makes you feel somehow warmer inside.

"If you think I'll love it, I'm definetly looking foward to seeing it!" you say in excitement. "Where is it though?"

"4, maybe 5 minutes into the forrest. It's not hard to get there though, the path's all right." George explains everything and you swallow the lump in your throat, looking into the scary forest again. "Are ye scared?" he asks, giggling softly and you punch him on the arm jokingly.

"No I'm not, shut up." you protest and he grabs your hand one more time.

"We don't have to do this if you don't wanna." he assures, his voice soudning serious, but you squeeze his hand tighter.

"No no, I do wanna do this." you say, smiling at your best friend in the whole world. "Let's go, shall we?"

I've never written anything like this before, but I think it turned out okay!! I just can't write about straight couples yk?


i had to rewrite some parts bc now that i remembered that i've written this book and came back to read it, i noticed how poorly written some stuff is lmao. i'll also correct the next chapters, but not everything at once.

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