chapter 10

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You're cuddling with George on the living room couch while listening to your favourite Buddy Holly record, when all of the sudden John and Paul walk into the house.

"Ever heard of knocking?" you ask irritated, because it scared you a little. John only rolls his eyes and takes off his jacket, then helps Paul with his. They sit on the couch and they both look happy. Their faces are flushed and they both can't stop smiling. It causes you and George to smile too.

"What are you grinnin' at?" John asks, a little angrily.

"We can go on double dates now!" you exclaim. Paul grins, but John glares at you.


"But John!"

"No way." he replies and looks over to Paul, who's still smiling. "You like that idea?!"

"Yeah, why not." Paul says and John sighs. "One double date and that's it."

"Can you live with that?" George smirks and you glare at him jokingly.

"Yeah, whatever. Have you two kissed already?" you ask with amusement and John's face goes red. "I helped you, now I'm waiting for my reward. Tell me everything!"

John stands up, also pulling Paul with him and they go upstairs.

"He grabbed his hand, I'll take that as a good sign." you say and George kisses you on the lips. "What was that for?" you laugh slightly and he shrugs.

"Just because." George replies and kisses you again. "Yer beautiful, Y/n." You blush at the compliment.

"Yer not so bad yourself, I guess." you joke and he rolls his eyes at you. "Wanna get out of here?" you ask sugestively, kissing him again and he moans into the kiss.

"Hmm I don't know. Do you?" he hums and you nod, still sucking on his bottom lip. You two almost run upstairs, stopping sometimes on the way for a quick kiss or two. You make sure to close the door completly and then you go back to making out with George. He pushes you onto the bed and you let him join you there. While you're lying on your back, he continues to suck on your neck and collar bones. You keep your hands on his back, sometimes digging your nails into his skin. It doesn't bother him though.

"I want you, Geo." you moan. He grins and goes back to kissing your lips.

Uh this is so short and bad, but I had no motivation for writing this story. I'm sorry for not updating for so long !!

 I'm sorry for not updating for so long !!

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