chapter 6

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"Well I'm-a write a little letter, I'm gonna mail it to my local DJ." George sings and does his little leg dance thing. You decided not to stand too close to the stage, so you can see well everything on it. Obviously your eyes are too busy noticing every single, small movement George makes as he carries on singing to notice anything else.

"Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news."

"Y/n! I knew you'd be here!" you hear a familiar voice behind your back. You turn around too see your friend Amy standing there in a beautiful yellow dress, which is way prettier than your simple, black one.

"Amy! Did something bad happen?" you ask her, when you notice she seems a bit sad. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

You two leave the place. Unluckily it also meant leaving George and that hurt you. You love to watch him perform.

"Jacob broke up with me." Amy annouces sadly and you pull her into a comforting hug.

"I'm so sorry, oh my God." you say and give her a small smile when you pull away from the hug.

"Guess it wasn't meant to be." she shrugs, but you see she's in pain. You didn't want to ask what exactly happened between them just yet. It would've been too early.

"You should go home and rest. Take a nap or somethin'. You can come over to my place tomorrow and we'll talk about it if that's what you need."

"That sounds nice, thank you Y/n! I'll just have a beer and then I'll go straight home." she says and you hesitate. It's not the best idea for her to be alone now that she's volnurable, when some bastard can take advantage of her. You want to say that outloud, but decide against it.

"Let's go back to club then."

When you enter you hear John's voice and sigh. You've probably already missed all the songs George was supposed to sing.

Even though he doesn't sing anymore tonight, you have a great time listening to Paul and John. And of course George's guitar playing was also quite impressing. When they get off the stage you meet them near the bar.

"You were amazing!" you say to George and he gives you a cheeky grin. Paul who stands next to you grunts and you laugh.

"Yes Paul, you did great too." you roll your eyes, but you mean it. They are really good.

"Who's up from some drinks!" John shouts enthusiastically as he joins you with tray full of various cocktails.

"You're already drunk! So is Paul!" you laugh and your brother sighs dramatically.

"Oh shut up!" he says and drinks one all at once. "You two love birds drank champagne earlier! George told me!"

You glare at your best friend and he gives you a "I'm really sorry" look with some puppy eyes. Your glare turns into a smile quickly.

"Whatever, have fun guys." you annouce and look around, searching for the place where you hung your jacket.

"Yer leaving?" George asks with dissapointment and you nod. "Why?"

"I wanna get some sleep, it's almost midnight! I have to meet up with Amy tomorrow and cheer her up a little, cause her boyfriend broke up with her." you reply. John and Paul seem okay with it, but George looks really sad about you leaving.

"Can I at least walk you out?" he asks and you chuckle.

"Of course, Geo."

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay?" George asks as he helps you put on your jacket. "It won't be as fun without you!"

To be honest you don't know why you want to leave. Spending time with the lads is your favourite thing in the world. You don't wanna miss some stupid thing John and Paul will definetly do tonight like they always do.

You get pulled away from your thoughts by George suddenly pressing his lips on yours. He backs off quickly, blushing strongly. He seems terrified by what he just did. You stand there in shock, trying to say something, but nothing comes out of your mouth.

"I can't be friends with you, Y/n. I love you." he says, his eyes getting watery, You've never seen him this sad and it hurts you. Then you realize that it's all perfect. George loves you. Everything's okay. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him softly. Him and you smile into the kiss.

"You're an idiot." you chuckle and he kisses you again. When you stop kissing, you hug him again. He puts his arms around you in a very protective way and it makes you wanna cry. You feel happy like you've never felt before. Feeling him, hugging him, kissing him it all feels unreastically amazing.

"So are you my girl now?" he asks. You laugh and kiss him again.

"Yeah, I am." you grin widely and grab his hand.

"John said I'd never get a girl y'know." he runs his fingers through your hair and you hum quietly.

"See, now you can get back at him and cuddle the hell out of his sister." you smirk and he chuckles softly.

"Yeah, I like that idea."

If I Needed Someone ( George Harrison x reader )Where stories live. Discover now